SIMNIM - Editorial






Gaussian Elimination, Brute Force, Ad Hoc


You are given a list of numbers. The bitwise-xor of all the numbers is 0.

You wish to split this list into as many lists as possible (suppose K), such that the bitwise-xor of the lists themselves is also 0.

Since this is a challenge problem, you want to maximize K as much as possible. K could also be 1, meaning you did not split the list at all.


The problem at its heart is a brute force search problem.

  • Search for a subset of numbers whose bitwise-xor is 0
  • Since the bitwise-xor of all the numbers is zero, this means that the remaining set that you did not select also has a 0 bitwise-xor
  • You wish to select sets which are as small as possible
  • You have to optimise N/K

The question comes down to, is there any efficient way you can select a subset whose bitwise-xor is 0?

There indeed is. The meat of how to find subsets lies in doing a Gaussian Elimination in F2!

Suppose we have the binary representation of the N numbers as follows
A1 = b1,1 b1,2 … b1,M
A2 = b2,1 b2,2 … b2,M

AN = bN,1 bN,2 … bN,M

where each number has at most M bits.

Let there be N, binary variables
X = { x1, x2 …, xN}

Here, for some subset S of the N numbers, the value of xi is 1 iff Ai is in S.

Now, for the bitwise-xor of a subset of numbers has to be zero, the following must be true
x1b1,1 ⊕ x2b2,1 … ⊕ xNbN,1 = 0
x1b1,2 ⊕ x2b2,2 … ⊕ xNbN,2 = 0

x1b1,M ⊕ x2b2,M … ⊕ xNbN,M = 0

for the subset encoded via X.

We already know that for X = { 1: repeated N times}, the above is true.

There are N unknowns, but only M equations! (Sometimes this N might be as much as M or even smaller, so be careful!)

Thus there are several solutions of X possible.

  • A solution can be called small, if there are few 1s in X
  • You want to find several mutually exclusive small solutions of the above
    • You can find a small solution
    • then ignore the xi's that are in the solution
    • then repeat the above two steps again

This way, you will be able to find a split of the N strings.

The problem now is, how do you search for a small solution?

The answer to that lies in

X = set of x[i]'s that are not marked
proc: find_answer
    1: Choose some i, for which x[i] is not yet marked (using X)
    2: we assume i HAS to be selected in the subset and keep the bit values of i in our solution matrix for the system of equations
    3: randomly consider O(M) variables from the list of un-marked variables (using X)
        check if they give you a solution of the system of M equations with M variables in each, with the above solution matrix
        if they do
            then mark the subset and remove them from X
            repeat from step 3

We can optimize the above by making our selections smarter.

The step that finds a solution of the system of equations, uses Gaussian Elimination in F2. This means that

  • Add and Subtract operators are simply xor operators
  • Multiply remains multiply
  • Since all values are either 0 or 1, we do not need to do any division
  • The equations are degenerate if we find an intermediate equation
    • none of whose coefficients are 1
    • the solution is supposed to be 1
  • The equations may be linearly dependent, but that does not matter, since we could still have a solution (by ignoring the eliminated variable)


Can be found here


Can be found here

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For k bit numbers, Every set of k+1 numbers, has a subset which Xor to 0. This can be used to optimize the solution finding step.

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Setter’s solution:

Tester’s solution:

Both Solution links are not working.Correct them!

setter’s solution giving wrong answer?