Hey! I wanted to know whether 25th October is the hard deadline for application to reach Kanpur or is it okay if the form reaches Kanpur one-two days later with the appropriate signatures and stamp?
Thanks in advance!
Edit 1: Changed Gwalior to Kanpur (Had wrongly put Gwalior as the city where the application needs to be sent, thanks to @asif_mak)
Edit 2: I called Dr. Sandesh Gupta but he asked me to call tomorrow as he was busy somewhere and no one replied me back on the email. I know it’s my fault but I already have made a DD. So, should I cancel the DD or send the form?
I don’t think they’ll entertain late entries, but still you could mail or call them for your query.
Email id: acm@icpcgwalior.org
Mob No. 09935270450 (Dr. Sandesh Gupta)
Btw for the time being, they agreed to accept the form without signatures and stamp, but later on one have to send another copy of form with proper signatures and stamp.
“hard deadline for application to reach Gwalior”.
You actually mean “Kanpur”, right?
Well,there is no chance that the DD will reach by tomorrow.We were in the same situation as you when the initial deadline was 20th september.We posted it here through courier and paid “3 times” the normal amount so that it may reach on 20th in any case. Guess what? it reached after 22 . Thank God,the deadline was then extended to 25th Oct. In your case,it is very unlikely to reach by tomorrow!!
Okay. Thanks for sharing your experience!