But there is request, Can you post the problems in the order it is displayed on contest page? i.e. in Highest to lowest submission order… It would be really helpful…! I mean just switch the order of problem name and its submission…!!
Very sad story: I created repository and I wanted to use SVN, because I know it already and do not want to learn Git and that should be possible - Support for Subversion clients - GitHub Docs
Then I downloaded portable GitHub for Windows, but the set of commands failed on git remote add origin, so later I tried Git pluin from Eclipse, not working too. At the end I stopped playing with it…
That was a surprise for me also, it is not the same in current contest. My goal was really find the easiest subtasks and help others to get “one more point”, so in general doing the competition more challenging and more interesting. In first competition I had also spreadsheet with that ordering, but later I found it’s not so easy to share publicly (because of maintenance).
…so according to stats it seems, that solving SEAVOTE completely is easier than solving GCDQ, but subtask 1 for GCDQ is easier than subtask 1 for SEAVOTE…
What seems interesting to me are also the anomalies like the one which can be seen above - there are users who solved subtask 2 but not subtask 1… My opinion is that in such case they should not get points for subtask 2, while their solution is clearly not ok (holds only if tasks are comparable - for example for QSET it is ok to solve it without updates fiirst - subtask 3 and than with updates - subtask 2).