Does CodeChef have any Code Of Conduct?

I truly like you’re composing style, incredible data, thank you for posting.

#define getcx getchar_unlocked
inline void inp( int *n )//fast input function
int ch=getcx();int sign=1;
while( ch < ‘0’ || ch > ‘9’ ){if(ch==’-’)sign=-1; ch=getcx();}
while( ch >= ‘0’ && ch <= ‘9’ )
*n = (*n<<3)+(*n<<1) + ch-‘0’, ch=getcx();
inline void inplong( long *n )//fast input function
int ch=getcx();int sign=1;
while( ch < ‘0’ || ch > ‘9’ ){if(ch==’-’)sign=-1; ch=getcx();}
while( ch >= ‘0’ && ch <= ‘9’ )
*n = (*n<<3)+(n<<1) + ch-‘0’, ch=getcx();
int main()
int i,T;
long j,N,val;
long long int cnt,cnt2;
// scanf("%ld",&val);
else if(val>1){
return 0;

No it is not a sin. But we do not see any reason behind obfuscation in a competitive programming environment. It also goes against the spirit of learning. Others will not be able to understand your code if you obfuscate it.


Right! Didn’t give any second thought to it. :slight_smile:

And yeah! (From the other post) Obfuscating to escape being caught is a real sin!! :slight_smile:


Indeed. We will do so.

I am not able to see 2 problems in NOV13 SPOTWO and CHEFGM . It shows i am not authorized to see them ? what happened there. I just use the inline function to take input fast from . is it also not allowed ? rest of code is mine only … Please replyy…

@shubham1402 Cheating cases are caught only after a contest is over. The not authorized comment is due to some server error and has nothing to do with cheating. Hopefully it will be fixed soon.

@shubham1402 your comment is off-topic in this thread, please read the forum too before posting something…


how to register for writing the exam on march 30th? please give me replay

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Good Question…

But @animax001 i never used GitHub… Can you please tell the advantages of doing so ?

Thanks in Advance !! :slight_smile:

@rishabhprsd7 GitHub is basically a code repository with version control. You can keep your projects there and anyone can see your code unless you have marked the repository private. In US, employers prefer to look into candidate’s GitHub profile to see their coding style, various independent projects done etc. Gives a better picture to them.

@animax001: Yes. You are allowed to do so if it is a past contest. Giving attribute to the problem (having a link to the original problem) will be really good.

I push all my code on github but only after contest.
for example september 2016 long contest code is here.

They said in the mail explicitly to get back to them via mail. Do that.

thanks you so much, this is so inspired thank you… need to hear good news from you soon…

@admin, there are problems like LIFE, universe and everything else, where it is very common to have same solution by multiple users, what about that?

We take all that into account.
Very simply put - if you haven’t cheated, you’ll be in no trouble.

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In most of the cases I have seen if all people don’t have the exactly same code in Cake Walks, there are not usually considered as Cake Walks more or less have the same logic, but yeah if it’s completely copied Code Chef does take it into account :slight_smile:

and what if the contest is years long e.g Codechef DSA Learning series?(8 years long i think )

Hi klu_2000031822,

We found a few of your codes in March Long Two 2022, Division 4 (Rated) to be similar to other users’ submissions. We have disqualified all your Submissions. Your rating will be dropped by 275 points as a penalty, and we might also permanently ban some of the cheaters. Here are the solutions we found to be similar:

It is of the form {link1 - link2}, {link3 - link4} which means that link1 and link2 have been found to be similar (of which, one would be a link to your solution), and link3 and link4 have been found to be similar, and so on. If you have been caught in only one pair, you’ll only see two links.

Let us know within one week if you think you are being wrongly penalized. However, before you do that kindly go through our CodeChef Code Of Conduct, FAQ, and our blog post on the cheating saga below, and make sure that knowingly or unknowingly you have not violated any of those points:

Please do not write back or approach us if you have violated any of the rules. If you do so, your explanation won’t be considered and we will block your account without any intimation. Additionally, ensure that you don’t repeat the mistake as your account will definitely be deactivated if caught on the second instance.

Note: If your solutions of other contests also have been removed, it is due to being caught under plagiarism for those contests as well.


The Chef

i got this mail from the codechef team even I didn’t share to code anyone only1% change to match the in group discussion try to solve this problem and let me know how can i stop to plagiarism