PETERSEN - Editorial

I tried AAAA…(5000 times) to check for stack overflow on ideone, runs perfectly fine, guess that’s not it.

@kostya_by: any thoughts? Could you provide test cases used now that the contest is over?

I have checked for all corner cases…My solution passed all test cases generated by betlista… Could somebody help me where i am missing? Or provide the test cases used for evaluation?



@vijju123 @admin I can’t access setter’s and tester’s solution. Please fix the links.

This problem can also be solved with elementary knowledge of array, 1d, 2d

⮊ make two arrays p, q  

    pᵢ is the min-node-value of i eg pₐ = 0  

    qᵢ is the max-node-value of i eg qₐ = 5

⮊  make an array from[5][5] where fromᵢⱼ = node-value of the i  in edge i➜ j

    e.g. for A⟷B fromₐᵦ = 0   

⮊  similarlry, make an array to[5][5] where toᵢⱼ = node-value of the j  in edge i ➜ j

    e.g. for A⟷B toₐᵦ = 1   

☪ here i, j ∈ {A,B,C,D,E}

    fromᵢⱼ , toᵢⱼ are always unique, except when i≣j (small manipulatⁿ to fix it, do later)

☪ assuming 0-based indexing , i.e., 1st ele in the string is at s₀   

The test case can be categorize in two types:-

1️⃣ when all the letters in strings are same i.e., AAA, BBBB, C

    answer :  pᵢqᵢpᵢqᵢpᵢ…………    (think why ? ∵ lexicographic string, see defⁿ of p, q above)

2️⃣ this case has nothing to do with lexicoraphic propt. 

    ⮚ let say string s = 'AAAABBEECD', n = s.length = 10

    ⮚ assume answer be array ans[10]

    ⮚ we'll work on prefix 'AAAA' 

        ⮚ since  fromₐᵦ = 0, toₐᵦ = 1 

        ⮚ ans₃ =  fromₐᵦ = 0 

        ⮚ ans₄ =  toₐᵦ = 1

        ⮚ work reversely for getting ans₂,ans₁,ans₀ 

            ⮚this is easy task similiar to 1️⃣ , since ans₃ = 0 ∴ we have ans₂=5, ans₁=0, ans₀=5   ☪ in the problem we don't have self loops i.e., 0 ➜ 0,5 ➜ 5, not possible but  0 ➜ 5, 5 ➜ 0 is possibile

    ☪ prefix in this context  here means the consecutive same  letters at the beginnning of the string which in this particular case if 'AAAA'


    ⮚ now we are down with exhaustive part of the prefix 

        ⮚ now take help of array from[][], to[][] to directly find ans₅ in similiar ways as we found ans₄ 

            ⮚ but this time do not go backward to find ans₄, ans₃,………… since we are done with them 

        ⮚ proceed further for ans₆,... so on  [similiar to ans₅ ]

#use type casting to convert ascii value 48-52 to A-E

:star: you can see that that you can proceed in same way on any other test case , this is the more general test case , which suffice’s to explain all the possisbility

someone, please tell me why my dfs solution gives TLE .
thanks in advance.

This gives me Runtime error(NZEC) while submitting. What could be the problem?

Your solution breaks with a (valid) string of 50000 length