SEAKAM - Editorial

next_permutation(v,v+n) will run n! times. so your code complexity is n*n! which is too high to pass in 1 sec for n>10. Your code could have passed the first subtask if you had not included the statement f=f%1000000007 which also takes a lot of time to execute. Also this line is not necessary for the first subtask as your ans will never exceed 1000000007 in the first subtask

A lot of people have used inclusion exclusion. Did the same! I honestly didn’t think it to be a DP question!

@sanchitkashyap if there are q distinct chains of edges and we consider each chain(containing one or more edges) as one component then total no of components = q + (n-p) . (n-p) are free vertices ie vertices not linked to any edge. no of permutations of (n-p+q) components is thus (n-p+q)! . also each of q chains has two arrangements ie forward and backward thus pow(2,q). thus total ways = (n-p+q)! x pow(2,q)

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thanks. the editorial is a community wiki. if you find errors, you can correct them.

Oops, Didnt know that, sorry.

Editorialist solution now available.

Hello, I still didnt not understand this solution, Can anyone please explain it in more detail ? That would be really really great.

Please explain the 2 formulae you get, I am familiar with only basic inclusion exclusion of finding the union if intersection and individual cardinality are given.

Thanks in advance.

I have same doubt did you got it how did this arrive???

I have doubt in test cases can anybody explain it??
for test case 2
2 1
1 2

here there should be 2 possible combinations
so the ouput should be 2
but output is 0 why???

The M edges given are not connected. 1 and 2 are not connected by an edge. So the graph has no edges. Hence answer is 0.

Thanks bro actually i read the question wrong i thought here m is the number of edges connected but it was not connected

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