Contest - Division 3
Contest - Division 2
Contest - Division 1
Given integer N, Alice and Bob play the following game, with Alice moving first. The rules are as follows:
- Choose a positive integer y such that 2^y|N, and divide N by 2^y.
- If this is not possible, subtract 1 from N.
The player who can’t make a move loses. Determine the winner if both parties play optimally.
Let w(x) be the winner of the game with starting value x, if Alice plays first and both players play optimally. Consider w(x)=1 if Alice wins and 0 otherwise.
Let us find a suitable recurrence relation for function w.
Hint 1
A simple idea would be to try all moves and determine if Alice wins in at least one of those possibilities. Can you visualise the recurrence equations?
int w(int N){
if(N == 0) return 0;
// We invert the result because Bob plays the next move.
if(N%2 == 1) return !w(N-1);
bool canWin = false;
for(int i = 2; N%i == 0; i *= 2)
if(!w(N/i)) canWin = true;
return canWin;
This naive solution can be sped up with memoization, which is sufficient to AC the first two test cases.
Hint 2
I claim that, if x is positive and divisible by 4, then w(x)=1.
Let y be the largest non-negative integer such that 2^y | x. Then, there are 3 cases for y:
y=0 - The only move possible in this case is move two (subtracting 1 from x), so w(x)=1 only if w(x-1)=0 (we invert the answer since Bob plays the next move).
y=1 - The only move possible in this case is dividing by 2, so w(x)=1 only if w(x/2)=0.
y>1 - For this case, w(x) is always equal to 1, because
- if w(x/2^y)=0, Alice can divide x by 2^y and win, and
- if w(x/2^y)=1, Alice can divide x by 2^{y-1}, and Bob in the next move is forced to divide by 2 (see second point above), allowing Alice to play the next move on x/2^y and win.
The pseudocode is thus as follows:
int w(int N){
if(N == 0) return 0;
if(N%2 == 1) return !w(N-1); // case 1
if(N%4 != 0) return !w(N/2); // case 2
return 1; // case 3
It is easy to see that the algorithm iterates over each bit of N at most twice, which is efficient enough for the given constraints.
In the worst case (N=2^i-1), we process each bit in the binary representation of N twice, making the time complexity
per test case, where d is the number of bits of N.
Editorialist’s solution can be found here.
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