MEXOR - Editorial


Contest Division 1
Contest Division 2
Contest Division 3

Setter: Soumyadeep Pal
Tester: Istvan Nagy
Editorialist: Taranpreet Singh




Bitwise Operators


The MEX (minimum excluded) of an array is the smallest non-negative integer that does not belong to the array. For instance:

  • The MEX of [2, 2, 1] is 0 because 0 does not belong to the array.
  • The MEX of [3, 1, 0, 1] is 2, because 0 and 1 belong to the array, but 2 does not.
  • The MEX of [0, 3, 1, 2] is 4 because 0, 1, 2 and 3 belong to the array, but 4 does not.

Find the maximum possible MEX of an array of non-negative integers such that the bitwise OR of the elements in the array does not exceed X.


  • If the maximum possible MEX is M, then the chosen array would be [0, M-1] and have bitwise OR not exceeding X, but array [0, M] would have bitwise OR exceeding X.
  • The bitwise OR changes only at powers of 2.
  • The maximum possible MEX is the largest power of 2 not exceeding X+1.


Observation 1: In order to have MEX M, the array needs to contain elements in the range [0, M-1]. It doesn’t help to add any values larger than M, as they do not contribute to increasing MEX.

Hence, if the maximum possible MEX is M, then the array would be [0, M-1]. We need to find the largest M such that bitwise OR of range [0, M-1] does not exceed X.

Observation 2: The bitwise OR of range [0, N-1] is not equal to the bitwise OR of range [0, N] only when N is the power of 2.
Proof: Let’s assume N is not a power of 2. We can write N as sum of powers of 2. For example, N = 13 can be written as 8+4+1. Now, since 1,4,8 \lt 13, all these elements are already included in range [0, N-1] = [0, 12], So adding 13 to array doesn’t change bitwise OR.

Hence, bitwise OR changes only when a power of 2 is added to the array.

So, consider the powers of 2 in increasing order. You would not need to consider more than log_2(X)+1 powers of 2. Find the smallest power of 2 which would raise the bitwise OR above X. This power of 2 is the required answer since we cannot add it to the array.

For example, if we have X = 6, we can add 1 and 2 into the array getting OR 3, but we cannot add 4 making OR 7 which exceeds 6. Hence, 4 is the required answer.

Alternate implementation

You can also run a binary search in the range [0, X] and write a helper function, which finds bitwise OR of first N integers. My solution uses this implementation. The time complexity of this approach is O(log^2(X)) per test case.


The time complexity is O(log_2(X)) per test case.


Setter's Solution
using namespace std;
template <class T> ostream &operator << (ostream &os, const vector<T> &p) { os << "["; for (auto&it : p) os << it << " "; return os << "]";}
template <class S, class T> ostream &operator << (ostream &os, const pair<S, T> &p) { return os << "(" << p.first << "," << p.second << ")";}
#define deb(...) dbs(#__VA_ARGS__,__VA_ARGS__)
template <class T> void dbs(string str, T t) { cerr << str << ":" << t << "\n";}
template<class T, class...S> void dbs(string str, T t, S... s) { int idx = str.find(','); cerr << str.substr(0, idx) << ":" << t << ","; dbs(str.substr(idx + 1), s...);}
#define deb(...){}

long long readInt(long long l, long long r, char endd) {
  long long x = 0;
  int cnt = 0;
  int fi = -1;
  bool is_neg = false;
  while (true) {
    char g = getchar();
    if (g == '-') {
      assert(fi == -1);
      is_neg = true;
    if ('0' <= g && g <= '9') {
      x *= 10;
      x += g - '0';
      if (cnt == 0) {
        fi = g - '0';
      assert(fi != 0 || cnt == 1);
      assert(fi != 0 || is_neg == false);

      assert(!(cnt > 19 || ( cnt == 19 && fi > 1) ));
    } else if (g == endd) {
      if (is_neg) {
        x = -x;
      // deb(l, r, x);
      assert(l <= x && x <= r);
      // deb(l, r, x);
      return x;
    } else {
string readString(int l, int r, char endd) {
  string ret = "";
  int cnt = 0;
  while (true) {
    char g = getchar();
    assert(g != -1);
    if (g == endd) {
    ret += g;
  assert(l <= cnt && cnt <= r);
  return ret;
long long readIntSp(long long l, long long r) {
  return readInt(l, r, ' ');
long long readIntLn(long long l, long long r) {
  return readInt(l, r, '\n');
string readStringLn(int l, int r) {
  return readString(l, r, '\n');
string readStringSp(int l, int r) {
  return readString(l, r, ' ');

#define int long long
template<class T> inline T Bit(T x, int i) { return (x >> i) & 1;}
bool pow2(int i) { return i && (i & -i) == i;}

void solve() {
  int n = readIntLn(0, 1000000000);
    for (int i = 29; i >= 0; i--) {
      if (Bit(n + 1, i)) {
        cout << (1LL << i) << '\n';

signed main() {
  ios_base :: sync_with_stdio(0); cin.tie(0); cout.tie(0);
  int t = readIntLn(1, 100000);
  while (t--) {
  assert(getchar() == -1);
  return 0;
Tester's Solution
#include <iostream>
#include <cassert>
#include <vector>
#include <set>
#include <map>
#include <algorithm>
#include <random>

#ifdef HOME
    #include <windows.h>

#define all(x) (x).begin(), (x).end()
#define rall(x) (x).rbegin(), (x).rend()
#define forn(i, n) for (int i = 0; i < (int)(n); ++i)
#define for1(i, n) for (int i = 1; i <= (int)(n); ++i)
#define ford(i, n) for (int i = (int)(n) - 1; i >= 0; --i)
#define fore(i, a, b) for (int i = (int)(a); i <= (int)(b); ++i)

template<class T> bool umin(T &a, T b) { return a > b ? (a = b, true) : false; }
template<class T> bool umax(T &a, T b) { return a < b ? (a = b, true) : false; }

using namespace std;

long long readInt(long long l, long long r, char endd) {
    long long x = 0;
    int cnt = 0;
    int fi = -1;
    bool is_neg = false;
    while (true) {
	    char g = getchar();
	    if (g == '-') {
		    assert(fi == -1);
		    is_neg = true;
	    if ('0' <= g && g <= '9') {
		    x *= 10;
		    x += g - '0';
		    if (cnt == 0) {
			    fi = g - '0';
		    assert(fi != 0 || cnt == 1);
		    assert(fi != 0 || is_neg == false);

		    assert(!(cnt > 19 || (cnt == 19 && fi > 1)));
	    else if (g == endd) {
		    assert(cnt > 0);
		    if (is_neg) {
			    x = -x;
		    assert(l <= x && x <= r);
		    return x;
	    else {

string readString(int l, int r, char endd) {
    string ret = "";
    int cnt = 0;
    while (true) {
	    char g = getchar();
	    assert(g != -1);
	    if (g == endd) {
	    ret += g;
    assert(l <= cnt && cnt <= r);
    return ret;
long long readIntSp(long long l, long long r) {
    return readInt(l, r, ' ');
long long readIntLn(long long l, long long r) {
    return readInt(l, r, '\n');
string readStringLn(int l, int r) {
    return readString(l, r, '\n');
string readStringSp(int l, int r) {
    return readString(l, r, ' ');

int main(int argc, char** argv) 
#ifdef HOME
	    freopen("../in.txt", "rb", stdin);
	    freopen("../out.txt", "wb", stdout);
    int T = readIntLn(1, 100'000);
    forn(tc, T)
	    int x = readIntLn(0, 1'000'000'000);
	    fore(i,1, 30)
		    int cand = (1 << i) - 1;
		    if (cand > x)
			    int res = (1 << (i-1));
			    printf("%d\n", res);
    assert(getchar() == -1);
    return 0;
Editorialist's Solution
import java.util.*;
class MEXOR{
    void pre() throws Exception{}
    void solve(int TC) throws Exception{
        long X = nl();
        long lo = 0, hi = X;
        while(lo < hi){
            long mid = lo+(hi-lo+1)/2;
            long OR = computeOR(mid);
            if(OR <= X)lo = mid;
            else hi = mid-1;
    //Computes bitwise OR of all integers in range [0, N]
    long computeOR(long n){
        long OR = 0;
        for(long p = 1; p <= n; p *= 2)OR |= p;
        return OR;
    void hold(boolean b)throws Exception{if(!b)throw new Exception("Hold right there, Sparky!");}
    static boolean multipleTC = true;
    FastReader in;PrintWriter out;
    void run() throws Exception{
        in = new FastReader();
        out = new PrintWriter(System.out);
        //Solution Credits: Taranpreet Singh
        int T = (multipleTC)?ni():1;
        pre();for(int t = 1; t<= T; t++)solve(t);
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception{
        new MEXOR().run();
    int bit(long n){return (n==0)?0:(1+bit(n&(n-1)));}
    void p(Object o){out.print(o);}
    void pn(Object o){out.println(o);}
    void pni(Object o){out.println(o);out.flush();}
    String n()throws Exception{return;}
    String nln()throws Exception{return in.nextLine();}
    int ni()throws Exception{return Integer.parseInt(;}
    long nl()throws Exception{return Long.parseLong(;}
    double nd()throws Exception{return Double.parseDouble(;}

    class FastReader{
        BufferedReader br;
        StringTokenizer st;
        public FastReader(){
            br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;

        public FastReader(String s) throws Exception{
            br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(s));

        String next() throws Exception{
            while (st == null || !st.hasMoreElements()){
                    st = new StringTokenizer(br.readLine());
                }catch (IOException  e){
                    throw new Exception(e.toString());
            return st.nextToken();

        String nextLine() throws Exception{
            String str = "";
                str = br.readLine();
            }catch (IOException e){
                throw new Exception(e.toString());
            return str;

Feel free to share your approach. Suggestions are welcomed as always. :slight_smile:

1 Like
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
#include <bitset>
#include <math.h>

using namespace std;

void doer(){
    int n, n2pow, nearp, nearpright,rightor;
    if(n==1 || n==2){
    n2pow = (int)log2(n);
    nearp = (int)pow(2, n2pow );
    nearpright = (int)pow(2, n2pow +1);
    rightor = nearpright-1;

int main() {
    // your code goes here
    // freopen("", "r", stdin);
    // freopen("", "w", stdout);
    int t;
    return 0;

CodeChef: Practical coding for everyone… Please help

count is wrong. For x = 4 your count = 3 which is wrong.