Why the new CodeChef Discuss?

What is the point of having a new Discussion forum on CodeChef? The old forums became dormant. Will the same not happen to this as well?


We had started the old forums putting in a lot of effort but managing the information required moderators and contributors. We also had some amazing contribution from the community trying to help others. But as the user base grew, the number of questions asked started growing manifold and the discussions became difficult to track. The work of the moderators increased and the motivation started decreasing.

We also received a lot of feedback on users not getting answers to their questions on the old forums. They had clearly lost steam. We tried to figure out what the reason could be?

On studying and observing other successfully running discussion forums, we felt that the Question and Answer Style is more suited to the CodeChef community. This was highly inspired by StackOverflow . This new style focuses on finding answers to the questions. It is objective than subjective. And most importantly it builds a user moderated community. It features a karma system that allows users to earn rights to perform a variety of moderation tasks. And we believe this will lead to a better moderated content managed by more motivated users.


+1 for gamification. This forum seems like a stackapp (I am almost sure of it). Great job.


Isn’t this just a ripoff stackoverflow and similar sites?

@n_i_k_h_i_l: yes it is. It is based on OSQA which is an open source fork of stackoverflow.com.

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