Codechef Rating Predictor

Currently the links say “Application not available”. Excellent work by the way, I used the predictor during the June Long Challenge and it was very accurate in my case, appreciate the time you put into this.

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Exactly accurate (100%)

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great dude! really useful.

Very useful!! Great initiative!

Amazing app…shows perfect prediction

Amazing app…shows perfect prediction

Awesome work buddy!

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Awesome work buddy!

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Nice one yaar

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loved it thank u codechef ,very useful

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Awesome man :).

A humble suggestion:
Mark the positive rating changes with a green color and a + sign. Likewise mark the negative with red and a - sign. :slight_smile:

WOW! This is 100% accurate! Great work.

I hope July17 comes out too.
Great work.

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Great Work with great accuracy.

Is there an extension for this like there is one for the cf predictor?

For those who cannot find the links for latest like me,
just copy paste the give link , and change the contest name

At present for COOK84 it is showing same username 2 times.
Once for current rating and other for initial rating (1500).
Is it a bug or a new feature? :smiley:

Why isn’t it updated for July lunchtime?


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September17 lunchtime rating predictor ?? please thanks