Codechef Rating Predictor

October 17 rating predictor please ??? . Thanks in advance.

oct long rating predictor

Does codechef decrease your rating if i have a wrong attemp on a question but i am not on the ranklist.

@subham911 yes,they decrease the rating…this happened to me in previous Lunchtime you can see my graph for confirmation…

Prediction for October Lunchtime (LTIME53) is not working. It is showing the error

Error: No contest predictions found for such contest!

Please make the NOV COOKOFF predictor.


@vsp4 shows,
Error: No contest predictions found for such contest

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Why January long challenge rating predictor not updating?

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ANy news on predictor for February Long Challenge 2018?

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Can you add a seed rank into your predictor? Something like this codeforces rating predictor.

Codechef also uses elo as far as I know so this should be doable.

This is a very old thread so I doubt anyone will even see this but if you are reading this, just upvote this if you also want this feature. That way it will be seen more easily.


Yes, I also feel there should be an extension for the rating predictor.

Is ratings predictor available for December challenge 2018?

You can try now. That was due to almost all available resources being used in calculation phase. I modified script to use less resources, so this error shouldn’t be occurring frequently now

Just press ctrl+f and enter your name.


Thanks a lot

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Hi, I believe this error is somehow due to free resources exhaustion. Refreshing a few times works though. Temporarily, I also uploaded latest generated ranklist here:

hey bro, just wanted to inform you that
for some users like @uwi and @lg5293 rating was calculated again by codechef , i guess.
because earlier they got a negative rating like your tool calculated.
but now their rating has changed.
and for uwi your tool’s rating and original rating mis-match by 128 points.

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Please do the same for Junior rankings also…that would of great help to all of us…Great job on the tool…Congratulations.


Isn’t there a permanent link, so that you don’t have to edit it?


Bug fixed. The records having correct previous rating were actual predictions.