Can anyone help me with SUMQ from JUNE17 ?


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what’s wrong in this solution…plz help

I’ll directly discuss an approach for full points here.
F(X,Y,Z)=(X+Y)*(Y+Z) and condition to be satisfied is that Y>=X and Y>=Z as well. So now, You have Three arrays A,B,C. X will be from array A, Y will be from Array B and Z from array C. So, Suppose Array A contains a,b,c,d,e. Array B contains f,g,h,i and Array C contains j,k,l,m. First thing to do is to sort the Array A and C. By doing so, we will get to know how many elements in array A and Array C are less than particular B[i]. This will be done applying binary search for each value of B[i]. For example if after sorting A contains a,b,c,d,e and values in A which are less than or equal to B[0] are a,b,c(I’m discussing here for B[0],rest will be done in the same way) and after sorting if C contains j,k,l,m and j,k are the values which are less than B[0]. Now,
let B[0]=X then we have
After simplifying above calculation the formula which we get is
(( 3 * X)+(a+b+c) ) * ((2 * X)+(j+k))
In general manner :
((Number of elements in A less than or equal to B[i] multiplied by B[i] )+(sum of all the elements in A less than or equal to B[i])) * ((Number of elements in C less than or equal to B[i] multiplied by B[i])+(sum of all the elements in C less than or equal to B[i]))
This step should be done for all B[i]'s and sum of all will be our answer.
Note: Here number of elements <= B[i] can be found out by simple binary search and sum of all the elements <= B[i] can be found out by maintaining a Presum array.
AC Code: CodeChef: Practical coding for everyone
C++ users: please use scanf and printf

I am getting tle in one of the testcases. Can someone explain me why?
Complexity I calculated appears to be: O( q*(log p + log r) )

What I really did was sorted the A and C arrays, calculated cumulative sums of array A and C and then found the upper bound of A and C for every element in B.

I also did sort B in decreasing order so that once any element returns first element in either A or C as upper bound I just stop (since upper bound is first element aka 0th element I have none elements before it).

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The biggest mistake you are doing is sorting the b array which is wrong altogether because you need to answer the query as it is asked.
Look at my approach I did almost similar to you - link text

Ok listen…here is my approach…I first sort the x and z array using sort() function, then from given test case, I derived a formula for this problem which is (countx * y+sumx)*(countz * y+sumz) for every y where the countx = number of element in X array <= Y and similarly for countz. Sumx and Sumz represent the sum of all element which is <= Y.To find all these elements if you use linear search you will get tle , so instead of using linear search you can use binary search.that’s all and you are good to go!!
Here is link to my code…CodeChef: Practical coding for everyone

hey can anybody upvote me. I want to share my code which was executed in nlogn time

link text

Here is my solution with 0.66sec. To solve this question You need to first solve the function and derive a simple relation which can give you the answer.For every element in B you need 4 things:

  1. Number of elements upto which the element in B is greater than elements in array A(sizeA)
  2. Number of elements upto which the element in B is greater than elements in array C(sizeC)
  3. Sum of all those elements in point 1.(sumA)
  4. Sum of all those elements in point 2.(sumC)

So I sorted all the 3 arrays in increasing order.Most people sorted only A and C but by sorting B you only need to traverse Array A and array C only once because the elements which are less than B[0] will always be lesser than B1,B[2]…B[q].

Here you go!


  1. Mod in the sum also
  2. Make sure you have your exception of no numbers greater than B[i] taken care of
  3. More Mod.

P.S. Giff Karma ;-;

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PLZZ tell whats wrong in my solution.

Simple Implementation:

Here is my solution hope this will help you.

this is what i tried but i am getting tle in 2 cases. Please help.

I think its complexity is O(n ln n) but i don’t know why it is giving tle. I have seen other solutions and their complexities is same.

my approach was:
1)take A elements
2)take B elements and store max element of B
3)take only those elements from C which are less than max of B
4)sort C

5)Now i for A ,j for B ,k for C
run loop till j<sizeof B
if condition satisfied if k has not reached limit and the next element is less than of B[j] increment k, otherwise if j has not reached its limit increment j, otherwise increment i.

still i got TLE please help!!!

Hey everyone ! Thanks for your awesome responses and solution links.
I learnt a lot from different approaches also realised the lame mistake I did -_-

Cheers !

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THe code which i have submitted use all the approaches discussed by you @sidhartp538 but still it is giving wrong answer in some of the cases I have applied mod after each operation , used quick sort and binary search too.I also derived the formula which seems correct to me . first the code was giving wa later it gave tle despite of the fact that the complexity of the code was same in both the cases . if anyone could precisely figure out what is the issue it will be highly appreciated . thanks!

@godslayer12 one more thing which no one pointed it is that you using lower_bound while you should be using upper_bound since you the last occurrence of element

Inspite of BinarySearch anyone can use upper_bound also.

CodeChef: Practical coding for everyone Can anyone help me with optimizing my solution? I’m getting TLE in sub-task #4 and 0.91s execution time for sub-task #5. Upvotes will be appreciated since I don’t have permission to post any new questions.

Can any one please tell me what is wrong with my code i have first sorted A and C array and then i have used upper bound stl function to determine the contribution of each element of B in the answer.This is what i tried