CHNGFUNC - Editorial

Can anybody please explain that how the time complexity of last algorithm given in the editorial is $\sqrt{B}$lg(lg(B))?

I came up with the following analysis for time complexity:
$\sum_{i=1}^{\sqrt{B}}\frac{B}{i} = B$log(\sqrt{B})

Can somebody please explain?

Many of the solutions whose time complexity is O(a*b) have been accepted.They have been given partial points.
All the solutions to this questions should be rejudged.

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Can anybody point out what is wrong with my approach??

Since we have to make x^2+y as a perfect square, so, we can write y=(n^2-1)x^2 where n>=2. We try to find out that for a particular value of x^2, how many n^2-1 terms are possible or can say how many n are possible. Since maximum value of y is B, so, n=\sqrt{B/{x^2}+1}-1. (B/x^2 is real number division not integer division) Here n has -1 term because n starts from 2 not from 1.So, for each value of x^2 we try to find no. of values of y.
Here is my code.

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <string>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstring>

#define pb push_back
using namespace std;

int main() {
    long long a,b,i,ans=0;
        ans+=(long long)sqrt(((double)b/(i*i))+1)-1;
        return 0;

Here is my solution (and its quite simple to understand :slight_smile: ) -

As x^2 + y = p^ 2 thus y = p^2 - x^2 ,for x to be in [1,A] and y in [1,B]. (where p^2 is a perfect square)

As y can’t be zero or negative then, p should be greater than x+1. Thus p can take up any integer from x+1 to infinity such that p^2 - x^2 <= B.

Thus we need to find for each x in [1,A] the number of integral points of p which are greater than or equal to x+1 and satisfies the equation p^2 - x^2 <= B.

Here is my code - CodeChef: Practical coding for everyone

If you like my solution , feel free to give a thumbs up, I need some Karmas . :slight_smile:


@chan55555 Here is how i would like to explain the bug in your solution.

As you have assumed y=(n^2 - 1)x^2 … this implies y = (n * x)^2 - (x)^2

i.e x^2 + y = (n * x)^2

Thus according to you the perfect squares can be only those squares whose square roots are multiples of x while there was no such restriction in the problem statement itself. This assumption will leave a lot possible perfect squares whose square roots are not multiples of x. An example would explain this more clearly . if A=4 and B=6 then there would be a case of (x,y) as (2,5) i.e 2^2 + 5 = 9 ., as you can see that the 9 isn’t a multiple of 2 , thus your program wont take 9 into consideration and hence would leave out a possible (x,y) pair , thus the ans produced by your code will be less than (or in some special cases equal to ) the correct answer . The correct answer for A=10000 B=100000 is 291528 but ur code produces 1591 … thus leaving out a lot of possible cases.

I Hope this makes it clear . You can refer to my solution in the comments above.

If you like my comment , feel free to give a thumbs up , I need some Karmas :slight_smile: .

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It can also be done by precomputing all perfect squares and then doing upper bound for each element .

Here is link to the solution : CodeChef: Practical coding for everyone

i used binary search for this!
x^2 + y = a^2
=> y = a^2 - x^2;

now , i used binary search to find the upper bound of a (satisfying the constraint on y) and do the same for all x .

my solution got accepted but if anyone thinks any bug in approach then please let me know :slight_smile:

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Wait Wait! The approach actually worked? In my case it didn’t seem to do so. (Yes, I use Java)

The optimal solution is O(A * log B)

The other O(a*b) feels kinda unfair tho

The editorial solution didnt work fr me… I am gettng TLE…

import java.util.*;
class PerfectFunction {
public static int countSquares(int a, int b){
	Map<Integer,List<Integer>> divisors = precomputeDivisors(b);		
	int count = 0;
	for(int y = 1; y <= b; y++){
		List<Integer> list = divisors.get(y);
		for(int i : list){
			int m = i;
			int n = y/m;
			if(m < n)
			float p = (m+n)/2f;
			float x = (m-n)/2f;
			if(((p - (int)p) == 0) && ((n - (int)n) == 0) &&
                                      (x >=1) && (x <= a)){
	return count;
public static Map<Integer,List<Integer>> precomputeDivisors(int b){
	Map<Integer,List<Integer>> divisors = new HashMap<>(b+1);
	for(int i = 1; i*i <= b; i++ ){
		for(int j = i; j <= b; j+=i){
			List<Integer> list = divisors.get(j);
			if(list == null){
				list = new ArrayList<>();
				divisors.put(j, list);
			if(j/i != i && j/i > Math.sqrt(b))
	return divisors;
public static void main(String[] args) {
	Scanner scan = new Scanner(;
	int a = scan.nextInt();
	int b = scan.nextInt();
	int count=countSquares(a,b);		

i submitted my solution during contest, it throws TLE at that time.
But when i copy pasted my code(exactly same) in practice section it gave me AC.can anyone explain why this happened?

i submitted my solution during contest, it throws TLE at that time.
But when i copy pasted my code(exactly same) in practice section it gave me AC.can anyone explain why this happened?

My solution is a bit different.At first, I pre-computed all squares of numbers up to 10000002.Then for each square number let say x less than A*A,I searched how many square numbers are there in the region x+B.Here is my solution text

In #Author’s solution why do we check for (k_plus_x + k_minus_x)%2==0 && (k_plus_x - k_minus_x)%2==0???

CHNGFUNC In #Author’s solution why do we check for (k_plus_x + k_minus_x)%2==0 && (k_plus_x - k_minus_x)%2==0 ???

i think this one is easy and simple to understand my solution which i tried after contest Time complexity: O(A) CodeChef: Practical coding for everyone

I used two pointer technique. First I stored all the squares till the maximum possible perfect square one can get in a vector. Then I used the difference of values of two pointer to check the condition |x^2-y^2|<=b.
My solution : CodeChef: Practical coding for everyone

Really neat solution!! My (tester’s) solution is based on the fact that the bound on answer won’t be large.

Yup, this approach is really neat. I think its like, less than 10 lines of code (ignoring headers and stuff)

write y=(n2−1)x2y=(n2−1)x2 where n>=2n>=2.

Does this not imply that y HAS to be a integral multiple of x? And its not the case, say for x=2 and y=5. y cannot be expressed as y= (n*n-1)*x [where n is integer] but it forms a square.

It looks like your approach misses out some cases. What do you think?

Anyone, please help!! I couldn’t find what’s wrong with my solution.