ATM what's the error in the code? TIA

#include < iostream >

#include < math.h >

using namespace std;

int main(){

float cashInBank;

cout << "Input the value for cash in Pooja’s bank account: " << endl;

cin >> cashInBank;

float cashToWithdraw;

cout << "Input the amount Pooja wants to withdraw: " << endl;

cin >> cashToWithdraw;

float cashLeft = cashInBank - cashToWithdraw - 0.5;

if((cashToWithdraw < cashInBank) && (fmod (cashToWithdraw,5) == 0) && (cashLeft >= 0)){

cout << "Amount of cash left in bank = " << cashLeft << endl;

cout << "Either cash withdrawal not a multiple of 5 or Insufficient funds. Cash in Bank: "
<< cashInBank
<< endl;


return 0;


Dont print superfluous statements like cout << "Amount of cash left in bank = " << cashLeft << endl; just print the final answer, thats it.