RAINBOWA - Editorial

What Will be Answer for


1 2 3 4 5 6 6 7 6 7 6 6 5 4 3 2 1


Update : Link is updated


Can someone point out the mistake? Code commented. Shameful cant do cakewalk

Logic :
1)Store half array
2)Subtract the incoming elements accordingly, so the resulting array should be consisting of all zeroes
3)Plus other conditions checked
4)still wa :frowning:

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this is my link can anyone point out which test case is not working

Logic: 1)half the array itterate by for loop check only the differnce 2)remaining half itterated by another for loop and continuing the array elements by there index

can anyone explain this test case => 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 1 is this “yes” or “no” for this

Can any one point out why my code is not working, I to my knowledge have covered every cases.
link: CodeChef: Practical coding for everyone

which case i am missing?

please tell me what is wrong in this code?

The question is incomplete, at least frame it correctly.At the beginning, i thought only numbers from 1-7 are allowed, also even this that 7 cannot repeat more than once!
The question should be unambiguous. :frowning: wasted almost 2 hours.


CodeChef: Practical coding for everyone … this code gives correct answer for sample test cases.
can someone point out what’s wrong with my code?

Hi Please tell me which case am i missing?



Every rainbow array must be:

  1. A palindrome
  2. Its first half should be non-decreasing (hence, 2nd half will be non-increasing, as its a palindrome)
  3. It contains every element 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 and nothing more, as a(i) is a “non-zero” positive integer.

While taking inputs, you can see if you have anything which does not belong to {1, 2, …, 7}. Also, maintain an array p[7] with every value zero, and as you encounter elements, update the corresponding array element to 1. By doing a linear search for zeroes in this array p, you can see if you have all elements from 1 to 7.

Then run a for loop through the first half of the array to see if its a palindrome and non-decreasing. TADA!


Can anyone please point out the mistake in my code, I am not able to find one. Thank you. Code has been provided in the link below

link text


1 2 3 4 4 5 6 7 7 6 7 7 6 5 4 4 3 2 1

should be “no”

but my AC code says its “yes”


I suggest that every upcoming number till the mid of the array should either be equal or greater than the previous number.


can anyone tell why i am getting NZEC?
please check my code here

i guess the error is in converting string to integer array.how to handle the NZEC?


Hello can anyone point out the error in the given code. I have understood the question , but cant find out the error…it seems alright to me.

Can I directly say by N that if N is even the answer is “no” and for Odd N I will check the condition ?

Can someone point out where am I going wrong CodeChef: Practical coding for everyone

Can someone point out where am I going wrong CodeChef: Practical coding for everyone

Incomplete question

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Not a rainbow array. “767” not allowed.

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it would be “no”

Exactly !!
Here is Link to my AC solution Which gives Yes for above testcase.
