What are karma points?

Karma is an Indian belief, derived from Buddhism. The theory of karma says that your present situation, good or bad, is a reflection of your deeds in the past(some also tell ‘past life’).
In the same way, I believe karma points here is a reflection of how well you have contributed to the discussion!


How can I increase my karma points?

I am currently having 1 Karma point. So i cant vote up, cant ask question and cant comment. What can i do to get karma points?

The link : The new Karma system | CodeChef

You can probably refer to this link to get a brief knowledge about this . This is a new system proposed by codechef discuss team so that their web is not over populated with wrong questions and answer .
Happy coding !!


i can’t ask questions so how to get 3 karma points. please help …

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i want to ask a question. but i have only one karma point. how to earn karma points?

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how to earn karma points?

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It’s too bad that you need to have three “KARMA” for asking your first question, while by registering you just get 1 karma. :confused:

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How to increase karma points? Need 3 points to ask questions :frowning:

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I need to ask the question over here but don’t have enough karma points.

I am having the same trouble many had before me of 1 karma, So
I am not able to ask a question I am really struggling with. Plz help.

And how do I get a Karma if I am not even allowed to perform a ritual -_-

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I have some questions to ask, how do I reach 3 Karma points, what kind of contributions can I make?
Edit: I will try to answer the questions I can, but how long do I have to wait for 3 Karma. :frowning:

I only have 1 karma point! Urgently need to ask a question on the forum as the cotest is going to end, I have the correct code as it shows correct answers to all the test cases I put in (ORACLCS, December Challenge), but when it submit it, it doesnt get accepted! Don’t know what to do.

Your karma increases when people upvote your question/answer, when someone accepts your answer, etc.

karma means deed or contribution so contribute to the community to earn karma points

I have few question to ask to understand some practice problem. But as my karma is just 1, I can’t. Can anyone help me please.

I can’t ask questions to post editorial, how to get 3 karma points.


I have 1 Karma point so i cannot ask questions ,Can anyone up vote me. Plss

I can’t ask questions to post editorial, how to get 3 karma points.

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