WA SEACO, sept long challenge

I’m following an approach similar to that in the editorial still I get the verdict as WA, might be some bug in the code, will someone please help me with this.

My code: CodeChef: Practical coding for everyone

Well, i don’t know much about c++

So your code appears like greek to me. But anyway, i have explained my approach using difference array.

Following link to my explanation


Above link contain the link to my code (java).

Feel free to ask anything

You are suffering from overflow.

I generated a test case of format

5 5000
1 1 5
1 1 2
1 1 3
2 1 4
2 1 5
2 1 5000
Your Output
947572220 947572220 -34951858 -17475929 -17475929 

The negative numbers arent expected as modulo means we are expecting a positive number.

It worked after I changed the operation ( a - b) % mod -> ( a + (mod - b) ) % mod


Wanna know the reason how this works…??

Well, the number (a-b) must be less than 0, which causes the solution to fail…

Changing that to (a + (mod-b))%mod ensures that value never goes negative…

Another alternative would have been, to add a line after

x = (a-b)%mod


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I’m taking the mod each time I perform an arithmetic operation, am I missing something here? thanks.

vijju, how do you generate numbers?

I cant say what you are missing dear. You need to see it on your own, but you are failing on large numbers.

@kunnu120 - We write a program to generate test cases. Lot of work O_O :smiley:

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OMG KUNNU HOW DID YOU MAKE THAT?!! I want to know it for…purposes :3


copy paste lol, but you can make it with your keyboard too like


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It worked after changing ( x - y) % mod to ( x + ( mod -y) ) %mod

You were not paying attention to fact that “modulo” in problem statement means the modulo which is “always positive”