Query related to ICPC ?

I am currently studying in std 11, I am highly passionate about computer programming and maths only, science subjects are beyond my scope, I am confused that “Do I Really have Have to pass through JEE Exam to enter into IITs”
I want to take part in ICPC,

My Queries are:

1.) it is necessary to be from IIT to take part in ICPC, or anyone belonging from any college good at programming can take part in ICPC?

2.) Should I pause programming and start studying Science Subject to pass JEE and seek to IIT. or continue programming and get into any ordinary college?

Who said to you that you need to be in IIT to compete in ACM-ICPC . There is no such compulsion .

  1. any college student can take part in acm icpc.

  2. it depends on you.

There are some prestigious colleges like IIIT-Hyderabad, Chennai Mathematical Institute, IIIT-Delhi which offers admission based on your programming achievements.

You may even be picked up by MIT : read

remember; Sky is the limit. All the best :slight_smile: