Unexplored Data Structure That Already Exists in C++


On special occasion of crossing 2048 subs, here is my 2nd special video!
Next special video after crossing 4096 subscribers.

Video Link: https://goo.gl/XsfP9h

This video talks about Policy Based Data Structures, an unexplored and alien data structure that already exists in C++.

The data structure is capable of:

  1. Adding/Removing elements
  2. Find the K-th smallest element
  3. Find the no of elements less than a given X

1st Special Video: https://goo.gl/Xzn6h6 (Wavelet Trees)

Source Code in C++: https://goo.gl/acF6sF

Problem Links:

  1. 1028. Stars @ Timus Online Judge
  2. 1090. In the Army Now @ Timus Online Judge
  3. 1521. War Games 2 @ Timus Online Judge
  4. 1439. Battle with You-Know-Who @ Timus Online Judge

Solution Links:

  1. DPraBA - Online C++0x Compiler & Debugging Tool - Ideone.com
  2. TqilEn - Online C++0x Compiler & Debugging Tool - Ideone.com
  3. 3cl0ok - Online C++0x Compiler & Debugging Tool - Ideone.com
  4. Y7HYSX - Online C++0x Compiler & Debugging Tool - Ideone.com

Happy Coding!

I learnt this long back when I read an article on Codeforces: C++ STL: Policy based data structures - Codeforces

My Profile Links:
Facebook Page ► http://fb.me/LearningAlgorithmsWithRachitJain
Competitive Programming Blog ► http://rachitiitr.blogspot.com
CodeForces ► rachitiitr - Codeforces
CodeChef ► rachitiitr | CodeChef User Profile for Rachit Jain | CodeChef


Really awesome sir! A great help.

Wonderful Sir… :smiley: Seriously did not know about this…