CHANOQ - Editorial

I didn’t used exact brute force, but used frequency array where freq[i] stores the number of numbers less than i.
But got TLE in 4 tests.


Any optimization possible for this approach @admin, @r_64 @vijju123. Or Was Segment tree/Sqrt root decomposition only required approach for solving this problem?


I understood lovemaydie’s solution better than any other editorialist’s explanation… very good @lovemaydie … nice skill of explaining… official editorial and method are damn hard to understand…

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@admin, Author’s solution is showing Access Denied. Please fix it.

I wrote the same thing as author but I kept getting tle. I think it’s because I implemented persistent segment tree first time. Can anyone help me with optimization.
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@vivek_shah r_64 will not reply … bare log hai bhaiya … and he also doesn’t get any benifit from replying to u …>> ask others

Persistent Segment Trees @

I understood the editorial but how did arrive at the parameter \sqrt{(n/logn)} what is derivation?

I solved this problem using bitset in contest time.

can someone plz show me a solution based on mergesort tree plz

The author didn’t write his solution. >_>

Yup, the author did not write his solution. He thought that somebody will get full 100 points- he will write his solution based on that approach. Thanks @r_64 for confirmation :slight_smile: :3

If author didn’t write any solution then how did he generate the testcases ? :stuck_out_tongue:

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I think merge sort tree would probably give TLE because for each query it will take (logN*logN).

He could have requested the tester to solve it and send his model solution for him to “check/validate” :3 :stuck_out_tongue: @abx_2109

Oh…so only tester wrote a solution and that solution was used to generate the output files and the same solution was used to submit the problem? So technically no one tested the problem. Smart author I must say xD


Can u reply to above @r_64, @vijju123. I am trying to upsolve this question…

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I didnt even thpught much on the question. I just got the gist of it to submit brute force. I will think of the Q when I upsolve, and till then I cant help you here, so didnt reply.

Actually rules says you should reply to geneuine queries gor first 9-10 days of publishing editorial.

I guess segment trees/sqrt decomposition will be required for the query in any way.

Dont use the pointers (* operator for value referencing), instead use only arrays (see the tester’s code for implementation details). Or, you can also using segment trees instead of persistent segment tree.