IN Feb long Challenge CARPTUN problem, what does "Your answer will be considered correct if its absolute error is less than 10-6." mean ?

In feb Long Challenge in CARPTUN problem, we were getting answer in Range of 10^15 and integer(long datatype) than what does it implies
"Your answer will be considered correct if its absolute error is less than 10-6."

i got confused by this statement and not able to get AC in challenge… plz help

If the answer is 10, and you print 10.000001 or 9.999999 (difference is 0.000001), then also your answer will be considered correct.


and what if i print 10.0 its correct na or its is nessarry to put 10.000000 in answer ?

10.0 is correct as well.

Well, if you just print the integer also, without any decimal points, you would get AC. The answer will always be integer. This was most probably either an error or a very nice trick to confuse users. (I am guessing it to be the latter)