VAIMIN - Editorial

Can anyone suggest a good fast way to be good at combinatories and counting?

I mean should we study it from some math book,or solve more problems?


If I am not wrong, the problem doesn’t mention about paths and grid cells anywhere but in the above editorial i am seeing all about grids.

This was one hell of a good question. I really suck at these kind of 2D optimization problems. Kudos to the setter :smiley:

One of The best Editorials I have ever read !!!

Thank You very much @vaibhav18197

This problem is a direct application to Bertrand’s Ballot Theorem here. Read the proof by reflection method for understanding.

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Is there a mistake in this equation in the explanation?


For me it should have been:


Maybe, I misunderstood the first part of the explanation…

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Nice Editorial.
Learnt New Concept.

You did a good job nonetheless. Practice more and get it next time :slight_smile:

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I am as clueless as you because i just read the problem and did minor corrects for formatting xD. @vaibhav18197 can help you here :slight_smile:

@vaibhav18197, can u please check my code!!

Yes. I need tips as well :frowning:

Another related problem: Chef and Big Matrix :slight_smile:

xD . Reduce the problem to path and grids then from the superficial storyline.


D. Knuth will help you! 4 parts of “The Art of programming” is a bible for an algorithmic programmer. You can start with “Concrete Math”(Knuth and Patashnik).


And here comes the one and only…@mgch xD xD xD xD xD


Thank u sooo much @mgch,u really are an inspiration for us :slight_smile:

Earlier query answer -

In modular maths -

This relation is working because.


\implies (inv[k+1]*fac[k+1])\%MOD=1;

multiply both sides by inv[k]\%MOD;

\implies (inv[k+1]*fac[k+1]*inv[k])\%MOD=inv[k]\%MOD;

\implies (inv[k+1]*(k+1)*fac[k]*inv[k])\%MOD=inv[k]\%MOD;

from (1)

\implies (inv[k+1]*(k+1)*1)\%MOD=inv[k]\%MOD


Thank You very much Sir! I got it.

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Abra-Kadabra- and we’re done. Have a check for your comment @aryanc403 and tell if any correction is needed.

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Your code has complexity of pqM. (p*q for the dp and M for find operation in each recursive call)
Constrains for third task were: p,q < 2000 and M < 3000
So it would even exceed 10^9, hence the TLE.

Also, your code was missing the following condition check:
if(good > p or bad > q) return 0;
Hence, your previous submission were getting RE(SIGSEGV). Since it may happen good ~ p + q = 4000 → that would exceed your array limits.

I incorporated the above mentioned changes in your code & got this code pass 1st subtask.

Hope that helps. :slight_smile: