DOCSDEL - Editorial

Problem Link



Author: Ivan Safonov

Tester: Hasan Jaddouh

Editorialist: Bhuvnesh Jain




Prefix Calculation, Complexity Analysis


You are given N sequences P_1,P_2,\cdots ,P_N. Each of them is a permutation of numbers 1 through M. Letā€™s define a product of two permutations X and Y of numbers 1 through M as a permutation Z = X*Y such that Z[i]=Y[X[i]] for each valid i.

You should answer Q queries. Each query is described by two numbers L and R. Letā€™s define a permutation B = ((P_L*P_{L+1})* \cdots * P_R); the multiplication of permutations is evaluated left to right. The answer to a query is \sum_{i=1}^{M}i * B_i.


In the problem, the constraints are given in some unusal way. Generally the constraints on problems related to input having matrices are given inidividually on N and M and never on their product. So, let us first make an small claim using the constraints in the problem.

Claim: Given that N, M ā‰¤ 100000 and also N * M ā‰¤ 100000, min(N, M) ā‰¤ sqrt(N * M).

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Prove it using contradiction. If minimum of N and M is greater than sqrt(N * M), then their maximum is also greater than sqrt(N * M). Using this fact, the product of N * M = min(N, M) * max(N, M), will exceed NM, which is not possible. Hence, the claim.

Just remember the above as it will be useful in further discussion below.

Now, let us try to understand what the product operation of 2 permutations look like and how it is carried out for multiple arrays in succession. The first claim is that applying the product operation on 2 permutation, X and Y, also yields a permutation. This is because each X_i will be uniquely mapped to a particular index in Z (= X * Y) as Y is also a permuation. Using this fact, we can easily map each index to the corresponding number and have the reverse mapping as well where we can find the index where the number occurs.

For the next interesting observation, let us go through an example matrix:

1 3 2 4
4 1 3 2
2 4 1 3
1 3 4 2
1 2 4 3
3 4 2 1
4 3 2 1

Let say we evaluate the following prefix operation: Create a matrix jump where

jump[i] = \text{Product operation on permuation from 1 to i}

So, jump[i][j] will denote the number j will convert to on applying the first i operations. The jump matrix for the above example will be:

1 3 2 4
4 3 1 2
3 1 2 4
4 1 3 2
3 1 4 2
2 3 1 4
3 2 4 1

From the claim regarding Z (=X * Y), being a permuation, you can clearly see that each row is a permutation. Now consider each column as a directed path. We will now try to answer each query in O(M) complexity. Note that it is not the complete solution but a small approach towards the final one.

Consider each column the jump table. Say we want to evaluate what j (1 ā‰¤ j ā‰¤ m) will convert to when applying the operation from L to R. If we can do it efficiently, we can find the above summation in O(M). But we can consider a different problem. Since our final array is also permutation meaning that we can reverse map each number to a unique index, we will try to find what number gets converted to a given number x. This means, instead of going the path for finding x for a starting j, we try to find j in opposite direction from given x. Let us see how our prefix calculation for jump is helpful here.

We use idea similar to prefix summation, where we calculate range sum by using prefix values for L \text{or} (L-1) and R. The directed path for a particular j from 1 to R can be broken into 2 parts, one from 1 to L and other from L to R. So, we can find which number will j convert to after first R operations. This is simply jump[R][j]. We also find which number j will convert to after first L operations, i.e. jump[L][j]. Since arrays are permutations, we can find which number actually convert to jump[R][j] by using the reversing mapping of index on jump[L][j]. This gives us the solution of above different problem. For example: Let L = 3 and R = 6 in above matrix.

We know that applying the first R = 6 operations, 1 converts to 2, 2 to 3, 3 to 1 and 4 to 4 (Directly see jump[j][R]). Also, we know that after first L = 3 operations, 1 converts to 3, 2 to 1, 3 to 2 and 4 to 4. Using the initial matrix we can see that if the operation string from L to R instead of 1 to R, 4 would have converted to 2. This is same as finding the reverse mapping of index 3 in initial matrix, which lies at index 4. Equivalently, 1 converted to 4 in path from 1 to L and then 4 converted to 3 in path from L to R. Thus, we can easily find what j converted to x when operations are applied from L to R. The below image explains the above logic in an elaborate manner:

Now, we answer each query in O(M). Below is a small pseudo-code for it:

	def init():
		# rev store the reversing mapping of index on the i^th permutation. 
		for i in [1, n]:
			for j in [1, m]:
				rev[a[i][j]] = j

		for j in [1, m]:
			jump[1][j] = a[1][j]
		for i in [2, n]:
			for j in [1, m]:
				jump[i][j] = a[i][jump[i-1][j]]

	def solve(l, r):
		ans = 0
		for j in [1, m]:
			coverted_value = jump[R][j] 			# Same as B_i in summation.
			converted_from = rev[L][jump[L][j]] 	# Same as i in summation.
			ans += converted_from * converted_to
		return ans

The above logic work fine when M is small and we can answer each query in O(M). The precomputation is O(N * M). So, the overall complexity is O(N * M + Q * M). This is enough for the first 2 subtasks but not for the full solution.

For the full solution, we use idea that min(N, M) ā‰¤ sqrt(NM). Thus, if N is small we can precompute the answer for all possible queries, which can be O(N^2) in total. We can then answer each query in O(1). The complexity for this part will be (N * M + N^2*M + Q). The first part is the initial precomputation for jump array. The second one is the calculation for each possible query in O(M) complexity and last part is the answering of each query in O(1). So, in the above pseudo code, if we just add the lines to not calculate the answer for a query which had already appeared, we can solve the full problem.

	# pre store the answer for query (l, r)
	# If the query was not evaluated, it stores -1.
	def solve(l, r):
		if store[l][r] == -1:
			# we say query for first time.
			# Calculate answer in O(M)
			store[l][r] = m
		return store[l][r]

The overall complexity of the solution will be then O(N * M + min(N^2, Q) * M). So, there are 2 cases:

  1. N^2 < Q: Here the number of possible queries is smaller. So, length of one permuation will be larger. In most cases, N < M. Since, when N is smaller than M, N^2 * M will be bounded by N * M * sqrt(NM). The complexity will be O(N * M + N^2 * M) ~ O(N * M * sqrt(NM)).

  2. Q < N^2. Here the number of possible queries is smaller. So, the length of one permuation will be smaller. IN most case M < N. Again the complexity will be O(N * M + Q * M) ~ O(N * M + Q * sqrt(NM)).

The space complexity of the above approach will be O(N * M + PRE), where PRE depends on the size you store for the precalulated array store.

For more details, you can refer to the editorialistā€™s solution for help.

Feel free to share your approach, if it was somewhat different.

Time Complexity

O(N * M + min(Q, N^2) * M) per test case.

Space Complexity

O(N * M + Q)

Solution Links

Setterā€™s solution

Testerā€™s solution

Editorialist solution


Is my observation true that the multiplication here is associative ?
If yes can you please prove it :smiley:

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sqare root decomposition can be the easiest approch.

Thank you for this good problem that made me yellow :slight_smile:


int main()
int t;
int n,m;
vector< vector> ans(n, vector (m+1));
vector< vector> v(n, vector (m+1));

		for(int j=1;j<m+1;j++)
	int q;
		int x,y;
		ll fa=0;

			// vi ans2(m+1);
					// int k=ans[x-1][i];
					// ans2[k]=ans[y][i];

why it is going TIME OUT in 3 SUBTASK

I am not able to understand the last paragraph completely.

Also, we know that after first L=3 operations, 1 converts to 3

Equivalently, 1 converted to 4 in path from 1 to L

arenā€™t these statements contradicting??

@likecs @vijju123

The explanation given in this editorial is fairly unclear (to me). The paragraph especially explaining the ā€œconversionā€ from one number to another in the jump array is unintuitive (to me), and I donā€™t believe it helps to understand the approach better. Here is my attempt below.

The idea in this question is that it is similar to range queries on a prefix sum array. If we have an array A[1..n] and we want to answer queries of the form \sum_{i=l}^{r}A[i] in O(1), we can precalculate a prefix sum array \text{pre}[0..n] where p[0] = 0 and p[i] = p[i-1] + a[i], i \in [1, n]. Now, the query [l, r] can be answered by returning pre[r] - pre[l-1]. This is a fairly well-known idea.

We can apply the same logic to an array of permutations. We maintain a \text{pre}[0..n] array of permutations (\text{pre}[i] is the i^{th} permutation), where \text{pre}[0] is the identity permutation (1, 2, ..., m) (similar to setting \text{pre}[0] = 0), and \text{pre}[i] = \text{pre}[i-1] * \text{p}[i], i \in [1, n], where * denotes the product of two permutations as defined in the problem statement.

To answer a query [l, r], we want to return \text{pre}[r] ā€œ-ā€ \text{pre}[l-1], similar to a prefix sum. We want to negate the effect of the permutations from [1 \dots l-1]. We can do this by calculating the inverse permutation of \text{pre}[l-1], using the code here.

So, the final answer for a query [l, r] is \text{inverse}(\text{pre}[l-1]) * \text{pre}[r].

Due to the constraints, we need to cache the answer to query [l, r] in a hash map.

My solution link:


How about MO ? :slight_smile:

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can we do this using square root decomposition ?


@rashomon why is your approach giving WA for a query[l,r] if we use inv[l-1][pre[r][j]]?

If you consider permutation to be function(they are a one-to-one function) then permutation multiplication is just composition of functions. So proof for associativity of composition of functions follows.

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Even didnt understand that part after first few readings. I think I need to take some rest and re-read with fresh mind :slight_smile:

itā€™s okayā€¦Just let me know if you understand. I am really confused

Can you explain your approach for full solution? I saw your submissions but none of them passed all subtasks.

Please explain your approach and paste code in links.

@swapnil159, added images for clarity. Check editorial once again and see if it is clear now.

Yeah i understood now and solved itā€¦Thanks a lot for those pics!!

Lovely! I liked it a lot :). Can you add your code link using this approach as well? Will help others even more! :slight_smile:

If you can add comments to the code, I can accept your answer to be always at top and viewable by more people :slight_smile:

@rashmon i was also using same approach as urs but getting tle in one test case but ur last line ā€œwe need to cache the answer to query [l, r] in a hash map.ā€ was very helpfullā€¦ got AC(100pts)

@vijju123 bro my code links

link1 used hashmap to cache previous ans:- CodeChef: Practical coding for everyone (1.69 sec)

link2 more optimised used 2d array to cache answer insted of hashmap:- CodeChef: Practical coding for everyone (.32 sec)

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