Complexity is O(T*KlogK) …Sorting…


Added Fictitious element should be A[0]+X and not A[0]+X+1. Also in the given problem to maximize the S there can be possibility that solution does not exist it will be when A[0]+X < N in this case you will only have N A[0]+X elements to keep in the final array.


7 3 5
1 2 3

maximum element in the ans array will be 6 but we don’t have 3 elements less than 6 other than 1 2 and 3

My solution is getting RUNTIME ERROR can some one tell me the mistake CodeChef: Practical coding for everyone

The editorial says that the maximum value possible can be A[0] + X but the constraints says that pi<=1e9 and what if A[0] + X > 1e9, then we need to reduce the minimum value in order to satisfy the constraints. Correct me if I am wrong !

In the question it was mentioned that Pi is <=10^9 for all valid i. Now by “valid i”,I thought that i is in the range of 1 to N, but it seems that it was only for first K elements and remaining numbers could be greater than 10^9. My solution got rejected just because of this ambiguity :frowning:

Tricky case :
10 3 49
1 43 44


Solution link : CodeChef: Practical coding for everyone

My approach :

  1. find the maximum P a = Smallest + x = 50
  2. find the required no of positions to be filled = k - n = 7
  3. find the smallest b of the continuous integers you need to find in the formula. b = 50 - (n-1-k) = 50 - (10 - 1 - 3) = 50 - 6 = 45.
  4. That is , for remaining 7 elements , you needed sum of
    A[0…2] + 50 + 49+ 48 + 47 + 46 + 45 + 44.
  5. now since , this (44) was already present in A[k]s , instead of 44 , you can take 43…but is 43 is also present…take 42.
  6. now we can find tot = Sum(A[k]s) + Sum(a…b)

What is the formula for summation over a range?

can anyone give me a test case in which my solution is not working ?
It’s passing in all the test cases given here and sample test cases.
here’s my solution getting WA.

Please explain how to process multiple elements in a range simultaneously. I am not getting.

Can anyone help me to rectify where my program is failing
Solution Link-CodeChef: Practical coding for everyone

[24, 146] N=371 k=2 x=237
what should be output ?
There is a mistake in constraints x must be greater than N otherwise There won’t be any case possible where all are distinct and still difference between maximum and minimum does not exceed.
( I strongly believe the tester has added that cases otherwise my codes is giving correct for every valid input).
Here is the code :- CodeChef: Practical coding for everyone

hey i did it with same strategy but it is running out of time(TLE), i have checked it thoroughly, please somebody look into it Coding Blocks IDE (commented code) ,… if have any test cases please give them

what if the test case is …
4 2 4

in that case number might be greater than 1e9 which is the contradiction of the given constraints ??

i dont know why i am getting wrong answer ,i checked with all test cases help me @taran_1407
link text

Entertain the possibility that the minimum number can be some number less than minimum of the pi’s;
Test Case -
13 4 10
4 5 9 13

Please anyone take a look at my code and tell me where am I doing it wrong?

ll t;scanf("%lld",&t);
	ll n,k,x;scanf("%lld %lld %lld",&n,&k,&x);
	ll a[k+1];
	ll s=0,cou=k;
				ll need=n-cou;


The aim og adding fictitious element depend upon the implementation.

Yes min+X can also be used.

See editorialist solution. I first add all K elements. That’s why i use exclusive bounds in my solution. See editorialist solution.


Aim is simple. We have K elements. Select N-K more elements such that sum is maximized. But cannot select elements such that absolute difference is greater than X. So, we start from min+x, the maximum element which can be included, and check each number smaller tham it in reverse order, till we find N-K elements. Since n is upto 1e9 , we need to process multiple elements in a range simultaneously, as explained above.

@tarzan_1407 can you please tell why my solution is getting RUNTIME ERROR(sigsegv).