BSHUFFLE - Editorial

You can also “simulate” the problem without random number generation. How I simulated this was by recursively swaping each number by the rest of the n-1 numbers.
I did this up to N = 8, then observed the pattern by printing first five permutations, and last five permutations.

1 2 3

  1. First swap 1 and 1 => 1 2 3
  2. Secondly swap 1 and 2 => 2 1 3
  3. Thirdly swap 1 and 3 => 3 2 1

The next number will produce N^2 permutations; the third will produce N^3.
Thus, by the end of the recursion, you have N^N permutations distributed among N! distinct permutations.
Now each of the first three permutations will apply the above steps by using the next number to swap with the others until we get to last number.
The least probable permutation looked very obvious.
But for the most probable, when I looked at the pattern for the most probable permutations, I wasn’t sure if my observation was right, so I manually hard-coded my most probable permutations up to N = 17 to see if my solution would pass. Indeed, it did pass, unfortunately I decided to move to next problem without modifying my code. I feel my solution (hardcoding) was a terrible one.


If your google search game was strong, you could have found the hint here :slight_smile:


It’s fairly easy in Python, at least, to produce the entire distribution up to n=8 - 8! is not so large. This only requires that you count the permutations from the previous swaps rather than modifying them one by one. Code for this investigation:

# investigation
from operator import itemgetter
from collections import defaultdict

lim = int(input())
pdic =  {tuple(i+1 for i in range(lim)):1}
for spos in range(lim): # swap pos
    tdic = defaultdict(int)
    for pm,qy in pdic.items():
        ad = list(pm)
        for tpos in range(lim): # to pos
            ad[tpos], ad[spos] = ad[spos], ad[tpos]
            tdic[tuple(ad)] += qy
            ad[tpos], ad[spos] = ad[spos], ad[tpos]
    pdic = tdic

plist = sorted(pdic.items(), key=itemgetter(1))

print(*plist[:3], *plist[-3:], sep = '\n')

n=9 produces a result in ten seconds or so. n=10 is a couple of minutes.

@bciobanu Hey did you created this question just by checking this solution for smaller numbers? I mean do you have proof for the larger number? Thank you

Just curious, why the upper bound was lowered from 100 to 17?

@vijju123 you have mistaken in Maximum Possible Permutation- 2,3,4,…,⌈\frac N 2⌉,1,⌈\frac N 2⌉+1,⌈\frac N 2⌉+2,…,N
it should be 2,3,4,…,⌈\frac N 2⌉,1,⌈\frac N 2⌉+2,…,N,⌈\frac N 2⌉+1

Seems like typo but it’s misleading.


@vijju123 I was trying to do this question both in Java and Python. Because I was using random function I wasnt getting values with uniform distribution as given in the question. Which random function would give me uniform distribution in Java and Python?

We are computer programmers, not math scientists!

Guessing patterns from few first cases is neither science nor programming. This is a low quality problem.

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I submitted “Fooling Around” problem but it is showing wrong answer ,could you please check my code

(N.B. I’m assuming that the original task (wrongly) assumed that the pattern continued indefinitely based on initial observations. The editorial seems to suggest that the pattern would continue, and the setter’s solution isn’t correct for n>17 either. If so, vijju123 links to a nice paper proving the initial task wrong.)

I have to say, I’m not too impressed how this problem made it into a competition without having any guarantees for correctness. From what I understand the original motivation was an appeal to pattern recognition that actually turned out to be wrong.

This whole thing actually highlights a very important takeaway: pattern recognition by itself is not a proof! For contrast TABGAME has a similar theme of pattern recognition, but in that case the pattern can be easily be shown to be general.

If the task would had been to print only the least likely configuration (which you have a proof for) that would have been perfectly fine, and actually quite a nice task.


Hi! I used a different pattern but I’m not sure how to prove it’s correct or not. I got AC tho.

P1 - N,1,2,3,…,N-1
P2 - swap(all consecutive numbers in the first half) + swap(all consecutive numbers in the second half)

For N up to 7 I found the answer by brute force of all possible combinations.

For higher numbers, I spotted the pattern and guessed that it would continue.

The way that submissions are marked, there is no requirement for a proof that the answer is correct, and no penalty for a wrong answer. So it is reasonable to make a guess and submit it. It may not be good programming, but it earns the points.

You can see my solution here at

The maximum probability permutation in the Editorial is wrong. I didn’t get that even for 1 million tests.

to find the permutation p2, one can just do left cyclic shift of original array p and then swap(p[n/2],p[n]) and you are done!!.
here is the link…CodeChef: Practical coding for everyone

You need to initialize seed in srand so that numbers are different everytime, else same sequence is generated. Also, make sure number of simulations are sufficient for that value of N

@vijju123 can you please provide a list of contests in which you have been the editorialist? I really like your editorials.

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I think I served as an editorialist for April and Sept long. I think I did June LTIME and July Cookoff as well apart from that. Thats it pretty much XD

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Related Problem -
2018 Asia Singapore Preliminary Contest - Fooling Around

Can you explain your simulator ?