Virtualizer : Virtual Contest Generator

Application Name : Virtualizer

Team Name : sd_1998

Team members : Heramb Patil and Jugal Rawlani

Description : Virtualizer allows users to run past Codechef contests in an environment that imitates a real competition. Features like real time Successful submissions help user to identify the difficulty of questions. Virtualizer also provides user with their overall global, country and organization rank and many more features.

We have also included an option to create Custom Contest which would consist of questions of various difficulty by analyzing the type of questions attempted by an user.
We have currently included all the past LTIME and COOKOFF contest. We will be extending this feature to include past ICPC regional contests.

This is our first web app made in django made with the intention that will help users learn and grow.
So spread the word and keep coding :slight_smile:

PS : We’re still working on the recommendation engine for custom contests.

Web App Link : Link

Video Link : Link

Presentation Link : Link


Awesome App. Greate UI. Really Appreciate your work.