OMG I also used the setters approach without knowing! Its a lot of fun when you realize you did it in setters method :). Thank you for editorial taran!

this is my code that pass all test cases.however when i use unordered_map it gives wrong answer.suggest some
test case where it fails.

link to my solution:

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Now we need to count the number of positions in Suffix [j,N−1] for which A[j]≤F[i]

Cannot this be done in a simple way like this instead of using order Statistic Tree?

Just maintain a set (cpp STL) of all elements from j to N-1 .for knowing the number of positions or which A[j]≤F[i] just use upperbound on that set.

when we want for i-1 just add ith element to that set and use upperbound again.
This takes logn time for each i .

I think there are weak test cases because n^2 approach is working for 100 points . just make array of all different numbers then use two loops for checking all i and j .
here is my solution . .

Lazy tester that what I can say.
If I were in place of tester, this counter tc would have been the first tc which I would have included. :frowning:
From past seven rated contest I’m seeing complains about weak tc :frowning:

P.S. - Posting as the separate answer instead of the comment. Hoping @admin will see this.

Yep you are right , this should be the first counter test case because if this problem can be solved in n^2,then the problem is a cakewalk and the whole story of this editorial ( that sort the array , f[i] , O(n) , observation etc…) makes no sense ,I hope that next time @admin will take care of this.

I prefer short python solutions. XD

Well, we need to answer queries of type KQUERY, whichever method you may apply.

HERE is my solution.
which is O(n+10^6)
Seems to be same as setter… but this is not O(n*log(n))
Still confused about time complexity… can anyone help ?

reader functions and huge templates and assert statements annoys a lot in checking solutions :frowning:

I agree. So many random defines hinder readibility >_<

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@l_returns hacked your soln. Check Hacked Soln.

TC is hard coded instead of reading. Takes 1.5 sec and TL is 1 sec.

Your complexity is omega(T*1e6) but inner loop is not executed many times so it passed.

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Such a difference doesnt really matter @aryanc403 …XD

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I failed to understand setter soln. So link of your well-commented soln, please. xD

Her (or his…?) profile doesnt show any submission XD

This reminds me of that moment … :stuck_out_tongue:

In the ordered map, all tuples are ordered by key, while in unordered, they can appear in any order, making your solution incorrect, when an unordered map is used.

As usual. I know this profile just logs in to post such comments at my editorials.

Just stop it!!

Setter seems to be having same solution @aryanc403 XD…