I tried considering it as a knapsack problem with 1,N as weights and cost as x*x - x but even dynamic knapsack couldn’t help me.

I used the exact same missing element in continuous sequence. still got 100%WA. please someone check and tell me what wrong I did.

My approach is like this:

if (K*(K+1))/2 > N, then -1. else if (K*(K+1))/2 = N, then 0. Else ans always exists.

If the ans exists, then we can write n+(n+1)+(n+2)+…+(n+K-1) = N. So this is how I find out the starting number. Suppose, N = 100, K = 7. So n+n+1+n+2+n+3+n+4+n+5+n+6 = 100, so n = 11.

Then I find out the sequence 11,12,13,14,15,16,17. But their sum is 98. So I incremented last two numbers by 1 to make the sum equal to N. Then just calculate the ans. :slight_smile:


Can someone please tell me what’s wrong with this code? Seems like I used the same approach but still getting 100% WA. Thanks in advance. Here’s the link.

But what is the exact role of Differentiation in this question, i dont understand?

I don’t understand this editorial. But there was also unofficial editorial of this question which is easy to understand .

Can somebody explain this test case? If N=50 and K=8, this should be the correct partition: [2;3;4;5;6;7;8;15]

The product is 42674688000, which taken mod 1000000007 is 674687706.

The output of the editorialist’s solution is 734911237.

Please Help I am getting WA in sub-task2 #1
I tried to modify code for overflow problem but i am getting WA

It is due to overflow in the first case of sub task 2 (Assuming it’s that case only). Your answer turns out negative due to that. Mod the value in each iteration of the products and that’ll do.

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This problem can solve with binary search,we can find the first element of the sequece using binary search such that last element must be greater than second last element,now after creating the sequence now if possible we will distribute extra number to atmost X numbers with value 1,(X is calculated value),now we calculate the answer. :slight_smile: Link of soln: CodeChef: Practical coding for everyone thnx.


Interesting. Well done. I didn’t think BS can be applied here.

Link to solution: CodeChef: Practical coding for everyone

I exactly had that approach and it scared the hell out of me when the editorial requisite mentioned the word “Differentiation” :\

I think testers’s solution also includes BS approach but it looks overkill for this problem.

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setter’s solution is same as yours.

@jagreetdg xDDDD

@yadnesh_viper Yeah… just saw it

Well, If I write basic differentiation instead of differentiation, will that be better? :stuck_out_tongue: @jagreetdg

You have forgotten to take mod in your last loop.

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@sikander_nsit thanks. can’t believe myself :stuck_out_tongue:

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