Why Why Why ?

  1. Why some coders include their name in their code ?
    (like : //Solution Credits: Taranpreet Singh )

While some Arabian programmers include God in codes , (//Allah , the all powerful) , why?

  1. Why to post one’s code on Github , if all codes are already visible in Submissions ?
Why some coders include their name in their code ? (like : //Solution Credits: Taranpreet Singh

@taran_1407 , what are you upto? :stuck_out_tongue:

Why to post one's code on Github , if all codes are already visible in Submissions ?

To show activity on github and claim they do open source as well?

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  1. The same reason someone labels their items , to show ownership . I used to include poems in my codes before , some Robert Frost . When you’ve spent so much time creating / forging a template or a solution , you want it to be distinctively yours despite the obvious conundrum of being recognisable by username . Brr , My Preciousss
    I just think it is to thank god for giving them the chance ? Like thank god for health and strength , normal prayer ?

      2. Maybe to have solutions organised by contests .
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Well, I don’t know much about others, but I didn’t think much about it, just added it. :wink:

About Github, answer by @vijju123 seems perfect.

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Because they can


Well, refer CodeChef: Practical coding for everyone

Inspired from here CodeChef: Practical coding for everyone and CodeChef: Practical coding for everyone

Second solution looks much more interesting. @aryanc403 might want to say something.

PS: @meooow, precisely my reply :smiley:

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//Solution Credits: Taranpreet Singh

Now I know why a certain someone fell for you. Lul.