adakng Problem

// Can some one please look into my code snippet for the ADAKNG Problem
// and point out why my code is not accepted . The code is in C++
//Thank you.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main()
	int t,r,c,k;
	int y;
	int dr,ur,fc,bc;
	/* dr = lower_most_row
	    ur = upper_most_row
	    fc = right_most_column
	    bc = left_most_column
	int no_of_squares;
	dr = 0;
	fc = 0;
	ur = 8;
	bc = 8;
	        if( (1 <= (r+y)) && ((r+y) <= 8) )//if the row exists
	            if((r+y) > dr)// if the new value is lower than current row
	                dr = (r+y);
	        if( (1 <= (r-y)) && ((r-y) <= 8) )// if the row exists
	            if((r-y) < ur)// if the new value is higher than current row
	                ur = (r-y);

	        if( (1 <= (c+y)) && ((c+y) <= 8) )//if the column exists
	            if((c+y) > fc)// if the new value is more right than current column
	                fc = (c+y);
	        if((1 <= (c-y)) && ((c-y) <= 8))//if the column exists
	            if((c-y) < bc)// if the new value is more left than current column
	                bc = (c-y);
	    no_of_squares = (dr - ur + 1) * (fc - bc + 1);
	return 0;

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One mistake that I found is that you have initialised dr, ur, fc, bc outside the t loop. They need to be reinitialised everytime for different test cases. Fix this. If it still doesn’t work and there are more errors, comment below and I’ll try to find them.

Hope this helps :slight_smile:


Please prefer to share your submission/code link, and explain your logic in the body of question.

Thank you Akash.
Your Suggestion really worked out.

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