Repeated cheating by few users. JUNE13, AUG13, SEPT13

Just go through the links and see for urself,

@admin many of us wants to know what measures are taken when some one reports cheating cases,
I had reported these cases (except SEPT LUNCHTIME) before via mail,
but i dont think any steps or harsh measures have been taken on such users that were involved.

Other platforms have taken serious actions on their users.

These incidents brings down the spirit of coding among others,
when some of us take these shortcuts to move up the ratings ladder.

I know we shouldnt be tempted or disturbed by few of such users, but when final rankings/ratings are released
then its disheartening to know few people, less deserving than us are ahead.
After all feeling of competitiveness is the best motivator, and cheating is the biggest setback.

Everyone can see , there are many users who repeatedly have been involved in such activities.
I think these users probably solve questions in group of 2-3 persons, otherwise repeated cheating cases
wouldnt have happened event after event.

I have given names, time and link of cheating cases i found.

problem CHGIFT1, contest LTIME04

--> SAME SOLUTIONS, Intelligent copying, Main part of code is same
1.  By akashverma_123 (akashverma_123), 2013-09-29 11:56:57
2.  By pandeyarvind70 (pandeyarvind70), 2013-09-29 14:26:56

--> SAME SOLUTION again, but in java
3.  By aichemzee (aichemzee), 2013-09-29 11:42:33
4.  By h9k6 (h9k6), 2013-09-29 13:11:46.

problem DIVQUERY, contest COOK37

1. By manish05 (manish05), 2013-08-19 00:06:25
2. By akashverma_123 (akashverma_123), 2013-08-19 00:14:35

problem SEABAL, contest AUG13.

--> Intelligent copying scheme applied, VARIABLE AND FUNCTION NAMES HAVE BEEN CHANGED.
eventually there are using same class/structure and loops.
1. By manish05 (manish05), 2013-08-10 22:26:13.
2. By akashverma_123 (akashverma_123), 2013-08-11 12:21:51.
3. By aichemzee (aichemzee), 2013-08-12 13:48:33.
4. By pandeyarvind70 (pandeyarvind70), 2013-08-12 14:43:05

problem DELNMS, contest AUG13

    1. By damangarg001 (damangarg001), 2013-08-12 12:45:58
    2. By death (death), 2013-08-12 00:27:22.
-->Score: 0.336 Just added few lines in between to make it diff
    1. By harsha_badass (harsha_badass), 2013-08-10 16:29:54.
    2. By sm0ke (sm0ke), 2013-08-11 02:11:48
-->Score: 0.336 SAME SOLUTION
    1. By rpatel (rpatel), 2013-08-12 14:53:44.
    2. By fakecoder (fakecoder), 2013-08-12 12:42:57.
-->Score: 0.314 SAME SOLUTION
    1. By amitjain (amitjain), 2013-08-12 13:52:53
    2. By amit_ism (amit_ism), 2013-08-05 22:25:36.

problem ALETHIO, contest COOK35

--> EXACTLY SAME, and submitted one after another
1. By aichemzee (aichemzee), 2013-06-23 22:38:06
2. By akashverma_123 (akashverma_123), 2013-06-23 22:39:14.

good work @dubey_ravi…but again imho u r wasting your valuable time…instead of wasting time in listing this out you could have solved a good sum…to take care of this the @admins are doing whatever is in their power to do…they are using MOSS do detect such cheating cases…at the end the cheaters are the losers so just ignore and pls dont waste ur valuable time by going through all their profiles and checking out all thir solns…no offence meant…:slight_smile:


Admin should immediately ban them…shocking thing is the most common cheater is “akashverma_123” and his rank is 76


if you want to see the true height of cheating, then please see solutions of the problem SPMATRIX FROM june long. I can gurantee atleast 25-30% of the 100 submissions for the problem are copied.Some cases have been caught but some people who copied intelligently were lucky. It is very easy to see cheating here as there are only 100 submissions for this problem.I have reported some cases and have a few more which i have to report. Wonder what they get by copying?

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If two people submit same answer(same code) and both of the answers are evaluated as wrong by the online judge, will it be considered as a plagiarism case on codechef long challenge?
Due to internet problem in hostel, he came to my room to submit his answer that he had submitted before from his account. He accidently opened my account and submitted it.
The answer is evaluated as wrong. Will it be considered in plagiarism case?
Please Help.

@akashverma_123 might be the one who comes up with the code and others copy it from him… I mean who knows??? :smiley:

@vinitkp, no @akashverma_123 is not coming up with his code, u can see the submission time of codes,his submission time is after some else has already submitted the code,
for example see
AUG COOKOFF problem DIVQUERY, contest COOK37

@vinitkp: Admins already know about akashverma_123 case, I have even been banned because of him.I came to know he copied my codes and circulated them only when I got banned from codechef. And it was really disappointing for me to get banned because someone else copied my code from ideone[p.s. I don’t even open anymore after getting unbanned because its highly unsafe since you can not remove your code if you post it without logging in].Apart from that as long as codechef is not providing its own IDE,innocent coders will keep getting punished due to such code thefts.