How to count the number of palindromes within a string?

Hey guys, I’m new here but I have a question that has been bothering me for a few days now. I am writing a program that counts the number of words, vowels, and palindromes within a string and I am stuck on the palindrome counting aspect of the program. So far the code I’ve written has yielded no result and I figured I would sign up and ask here. The purpose is to input code into the int is_palindrome(char my_sen[]) function and then call upon it in my main method, but I need help on how to record a palindrome as I’m a beginner at C and programming itself. Here is my code so far.

    #include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#define SENTENCE 256

int main(void){

char my_sen[SENTENCE], *s; //String that containts at most 256 as well as a pointer
int words = 1, count = 0; //Integer variables being defined
int i,vowel = 0, length;  //More definitions
printf("Enter a sentence: ");//Input sentence
gets(my_sen);//Receives and processes input
length = strlen(my_sen); //Stores the length of the input within length

for(i=0;my_sen[i] != '\0'; i++){
    if(my_sen[i]=='a' || my_sen[i]=='e' || my_sen[i]=='i' || my_sen[i]=='o' || my_sen[i]=='u' || //Loop that states if the input contains any of the following
       my_sen[i]=='A' || my_sen[i]=='E' || my_sen[i]=='I' || my_sen[i]=='O' || my_sen[i]=='U')   //characters(in this case, vowels), then it shall be
       {                                                                                         //stored to be later printed

    if(my_sen[i]==' ' || my_sen[i]=='!' || my_sen[i]=='.' || my_sen[i]==',' || my_sen[i]==';' || //Similar to the vowel loop, but this time
        my_sen[i]=='?')                                                                          //if the following characters are scanned within the input
        {                                                                                        //then the length of the characters within the input is
            length--;                                                                            //subtracted



for(s = my_sen; *s != '\0'; s++){ //Loop that stores the number of words typed after
    if(*s == ' '){                //each following space

printf("The sentence entered is %u characters long.\n", length); //Simply prints the number of characters within the input
printf("Number of words in the sentence: %d\n", count + 1); // Adding 1 to t[he count to keep track of the last word
printf("Average length of a word in the input: %d\n", length/count);//Prints the average length of words in the input
printf("Total Number of Vowels: %d\n", vowel);//Prints the number of vowels in the input
printf("Average number of vowels: %d\n", vowel/count);//Prints the average number of vowels within the input
printf("Number of words that contain at least 3 vowels: %d\n",vowel_count(my_sen));//Prints number of words that contain at least 3 vowels
printf("Number of words that are palindomes: %d\n", is_palindrome(my_sen));
return 0;

int vowel_count(char my_sen[])
  int wcount = 0; // number of words with 3+ vowel chars
  int vcount = 0; // current number of vowel chars in the current word
  int i = 0; // index into the string
  int ch;
  while ((ch = my_sen[i++]) != '\0')
    if (isspace(ch) || !isalpha(ch))
      // ch is not an alphabetical char, which can happen either
      // before a word or after a word.
      // If it's after a word, the running vowel count can be >= 3
      // and we need to count this word in.
      wcount += vcount >= 3; // add 1 to wcount if vcount >= 3
      vcount = 0; // reset the running vowel counter
      continue; // skip spaces and non-alphabetical chars
    if (strchr("aeiouAEIOU", ch) != NULL) // if ch is one of these
      ++vcount; // count vowels
  // If my_sen[] ends with an alphabetical char,
  // which belongs to the last word, we haven't yet
  // had a chance to process its vcount. We only
  // do that in the above code when seeing a non-
  // alphabetical char following a word, but the
  // loop body doesn't execute for the final ch='\0'.
  wcount += vcount >= 3; // add 1 to wcount if vcount >= 3
  return wcount;

int is_palindrome(char my_sen[]){


While your max sentence is 256 characters long, you can do

for ( int from = 0; from < len; ++from ) {
    for ( int to = i + 1; to < len; ++to ) {
        if ( isPalindrome( my_sen, from, to ) ) ++count;


I’m sorry but could you elaborate? I’m confused by trying to read what you put in. How does adding the variables from and to assist in determining whether or not the inputted string has words that are palindromes, and how are they being stored if there are words that are palindromes?