AMIFIB - Editorial

I got AC using the property that if n is a fibonacci number then 5 * n * n + 4 or 5 * n * n - 4 is a perfect square number. CodeChef: Practical coding for everyone


This question was biased towards python, java and other such languages. I don’t think there were many C/C++ users who solved this without the BIGINT template and those who did would have suffered greater time penalty. In my opinion the easiest question of the contest should not be language dependent.


Used arrays to store Fibonacci numbers.Each digit stored in different index. Somewhat similar approach as given in the tutorial for small factorials practice(easy). Worked fine.

test cases were weak

check the test case and solution given on this link


The input was not properly formatted. It cost me 3 penalties in python. I finally used int(raw_input()) instead of input() to scan integers and it got accepted :expressionless:


Tester’s Solution uses a unsigned long long for a the number which is 1000 digits long!

Someone please explain how its working!



Cant understand how the tester’s solution works for big numbers…can any1 explain?

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Hello @all,

I too attempted to solve this question in Python using the idea described in the first paragraph of the editorial and got multiple NZEC and WA veredicts… And I have to admit that precomputing the values up to a large limit never occurred me during the contest…

Can anyone just clear me if the test cases were well designed and there are actually numbers with up to 1000 digits there?

Also, I’m assuming that the tester’s solutions works since it implicitly uses the property of when an overflow occurs the value is “automatically” wrapped around the range of an ULL and this would serve as a (possibly very cumbersome) hashing technique?

Because if such trick doesn’t apply here then something was definitely wrong with the test cases I think…



We can simply generate O(D) fibonacci number and only restore the remainder of some relatively big number, for example, 2^64 or 10^9+7.

I don’t understand this part. Are we storing the Fibonacci numbers or number % 10^9 + 7 ?

The testcases are weak. People who did the problem with unsigned long long int also passed the testcases. Basically, according to the testcases, storing fibonacci numbers MOD 2^64 would have passed all the test cases !


@all : I am the setter for this problem .

You could generate all fibonacci numbers till 1000 digits ( no modulo is needed like the tester did ) and store them . The time limit and memory limit was conducive to do such a computation . You could store them in an array and do binary search for solving each query .

Or , otherwise you could use the fibonacci number property that 5nn + 4 or 5nn - 4 or both are perfect square to solve it . My solution ( setter’s solution ) uses it .

There were indeed test cases which had near about 1000 digits .


What’ the problem with my solution??? It was not accepted but I compared the output with others solutions which are accepted. I took large numbers (like 354224848179261915075 fib(100)) also… My code works fine… but when I submitted,its giving wrong answer… CodeChef: Practical coding for everyone… Please help me…

My solution is perfect… I ran the tester’s solution and it starts generating wrong fibonacci numbers after F(94)… So my solution was not get accepted… Tester’s F(95) - 1293530146158671551… My F(95) - 19740274219868223167…

@all : Tester is not storing big numbers . He is storing number mod 2^64-1 . Since numbers overflow by themselves he is not doing modulo operation . While this approach may pass , this cannot guarantee correctness , and I am not surprised that it fails some of the test cases that users are talking about .


@kurumua : I made the problem statement and test cases . The tester wrote and submitted his code after the test cases were posted . I discussed with the tester that “hashing” on any particular “modulus” can’t guarantee correctness . However since the output for the test cases was generated by my solution , the correctness was guaranteed . And we could not have prevented all possible “modulus” for hash from passing the test cases .

@kuruma : I agree that giving the “hashing” based solution to “editorialist” as a reference solution is highly misleading especially beginners . If you want you can write to codechef admin’s at to get the “tester’s” solution replaced . I had already raised this issue during the problem setting process .


@vineetpaliwal, thanks for your reply and cofirmation :slight_smile:

I will definitely e-mail codechef admins regarding this matter as soon as possible for me :smiley:

By the way, the problem was interesting and your idea for solving it was also very good :slight_smile:



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I ran the tester’s code on my system, I am very sad to see that the output is ‘YES’ for all numbers greater than 10^64 :frowning:

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what is wrong in my solution ??

Please tell, how is checkSquare() method implemented in author’s solution? Which formulae is used to check whether a number is perfect square or not? Any link/information will be highly appreciated.

here is simplest solution by RAJAT De

hi here is a simple code
#include <stdio.h>
 #include <string.h>

 using namespace std;
 long long c(char *s){

 long long i,n=0;
      return n;

  int main()

            int t;

      long long a[6000],i,m;
      char s[1001];


   return 0;

can anyone explain how it does work with long string