Q & A on SE

“As you may already know, the Competitive Programming proposal as a Stack Exchange Q&A site is closed in 64% of its commitment phase by a moderator with a short notice. I’ve created a question regarding what we do next. Or, you may leave an answer to the close notice. Either way, if you do care and have something to add, indicate that somehow on Area51.” by Gassa


note: the below post is totally damn opinion of me, and may have little, if at all, reality

from authoritative moods of mods at SE, i inferred that they have no intention of allowing CP taking off. SE network, especially SO, are/is doing pretty well, and i think SO is perfect quintessential of QA. CP, if opened, would do undisputedly well there. almost every OJ out there has its own QA like TCforum, CFblog, CCdisqus, etc. but they serve as subsidy of their main site, which is mainly created for its own purpose — contest or whatsoever, not for forum, imho, and they are doing well in that respect. CP tag of quora is far from satisfying the eagers out there. but, what if, we — CP community open our forum? with good webmaster experience it would be achieved. in its private beta stage, inviting the reds of TC and CF, and allowing others by invitation-only from those reds, etc. seed culture is important in establishing general outline imho. and the list goes on. btw, in terms hosting and its payment, well im ready to pay my share.


Wow, looking forward to it. The rules of stackexchange family are stricter than most forums, so there wouldn’t be the spam of people posting their ratings and asking when they’ll turn red like on Quora’s Topic.

@everyone : we still need 36 more good defining questions for it to be accepted. Suggestions are welcome on the link.


@all, lets go buddies


Very nice. Maybe you should include a short overview over what supporters need to do. Basically if you want to support this, just sign up to Area51 Stack Exchange, confirm your email address to get 50 reputation (this can be done in your user profile) and then upvote example questions that you like (preferrably those with below 10 upvotes, because we need to get a certain number of question with 10 or more upvotes)

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Plus we need 35 defining questions for the website.

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@piyushkumar: Isn’t that what I just said? :wink:

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oh, ok :slight_smile:

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on topic: Present and future of the Competitive Programming proposal on Stack Exchange - general - CodeChef Discuss

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