GUESS - Editorial

Why did I get a WA with this code… Plz reply (ignore the #incl… ) using namespace std;typedef unsigned long long ull;ull den;ull num;inline ull hcf(ull x,ull y){if(y==0)return x; else return hcf(y,x%y);}int main(){unsigned int tCases;long long int n,m;scanf("%d",&tCases); while(tCases–){scanf("%lld lld",&n,&m);if(n%2==0)printf(“1/2\n”);else{if(m%2==0)printf(“1/2\n”);else{den=nm;n/=2;m/=2;num=(2n*m) + m -n;if(num==0) printf(“0/1\n”);else{ull h=hcf(den,num);num/=h;den/=h;printf("%lld/%lld\n",num,den);}}}}return 0;}

Can anyone tell me why do i get a wrong answer with this code.

Why did I get a WA with this code… Plz reply

hi all
can you please tell me for which test cases it failed . thanks in advance .

I still can’t figure where I was wrong, and I do appreciate your kind help :slight_smile:

#include <cstdio>

// GCD: function to calculate the greatest common divisor
long long GreatestCommonDivisor(long long a, long long b) {
  long long tmp;
  while (b != 0) {
    tmp = a % b;
    a = b;
    b = tmp;
  return a;

int main() {
  int testcases;
  long long n, m, gcd;
  long long odd_sum_cases;
  long long total_cases;
  scanf("%d", &testcases);
  for (int i = 0; i < testcases; ++i) {
    scanf("%lld%lld", &n, &m);
    total_cases = n * m;
    odd_sum_cases =  (n + 1) / 2 * (m / 2) + (m + 1) / 2 * (n / 2);
    gcd = GreatestCommonDivisor(total_cases, odd_sum_cases);
//  printf("%lld %lld %lld %lld %lld\n", n, m, gcd, total_cases, odd_sum_cases);
    printf("%lld/%lld\n", odd_sum_cases / gcd, total_cases / gcd);
  return 0;

I used pen and paper, and the answer was clear within 5 minutes. but I got a tle because I was calculating the reduced fraction, but then 1/2 part clicked. The problem was awesome the combinatronics part was cool.
You can find my attempts at : Guess,abcdexter
You can find my ACeD solution at : AC solution,C++
Thanks :slight_smile:

Hi, My solution got accepted for this, formula I used is (oddN * evenM)+(oddM * evenN)/ MN. In this editorial (evenN * oddN)/MN is used and its giving wrong answer.

N =2 and M= 3

(evenN * oddN)/M*N will give 1/6 which is wrong. it should be 1/2.

I got the answer right & accepted, but I wish to optimize this solution

if (N & 1 && M & 1){	
  product = (unsigned long long int)N*M;
  printf("%llu/%llu\n", (product - 1) >> 1, product);

The best time I get is 0.11

If we further process the answer then there can be 4 cases for m & n

  1. m & n are odd
  2. m is even, n is odd
  3. m is odd, n is even
  4. m & n are even

For the case 1,2 & 3 the answer is always 1/2.

Whereas for the case 4, the ans is (mn)/2 / mn

The code can be as

 if(((m+n)&1)|| (!(m&1) && !(n&1)))

Can anybody explain this: O(log(N * M)), complexity for the computation of gcd .

Could someone please tell me why my solution is wrong. Uncommenting the currently commented out section and deleting the code between the //----------------- result in a accepted solution, but funny thing is that the code between the
//------------- dashes are equivalent to the currently commented out section.

Here is my solution, sincerely thankful if someone would be kind enough to point out my mistake:

#include "stdio.h"

unsigned long long gcd(unsigned long long a, unsigned long long b){
unsigned long long r;
return a;


int main(){
unsigned long long t, n, m;
scanf("%llu", &t);

for(unsigned long long e=0;e<t;e++){
	scanf("%llu", &n);
	scanf("%llu", &m);
		unsigned long long d=gcd((n*m)-1,2*n*m);
		printf("%llu", ((n*m)-1)/d);
		printf("/%llu\n", (2*n*m)/d);
	} else {
//unsigned long long nodd=(n/2)+(n%2);
//unsigned long long neven=(n/2);
//unsigned long long modd=(m/2)+(m%2);
//unsigned long long meven=(m/2);
//unsigned long long num=(nodd*meven)+(modd*neven);
//unsigned long long den=n*m;
//unsigned long long d=gcd(num, den);
//printf("%llu", num/d);
//printf("/%llu\n", den/d);

I keep getting WA with this :frowning: Any idea what mistake i am making??

I am getting WA…whats wrong with my code…pls reply me…

Please provide the code so that it is readable.

Check my code
If you dont understand anything feel free to ask

Happy Coding

Please provide the code so that at-least we can read it.
Or please send the link…

Happy Coding

Maybe because you not using long long int for M and N you’re not getting correct answer.
Your Code:
My Code:
Test case used
m = n = 999999999

Hint : your code doesn’t pass this test case (t=1 m=n=999999999). Correct answer for this is 499999999000000000/999999998000000001.
Your Code gives 499999998000000002/999999998000000001

Yeah…it was just because of not using long long int. Thanks :slight_smile:

same solution when i am executing it is showing AC check this link CodeChef: Practical coding for everyone