FROGV - Editorial

Hi ,
can u plz tell me for which Test case I am getting WA .


alternatively, make an another array containing indices, sort them using the first array. then assign some common number to those frogs who can communicate. ( In sample test case, indices becomes 0 1 3 2 4 and we have to check if v[1]-v[0]<=k) if yes then assign some common value to them ).

Link to code:


I solved the problem in two ways: Using Segment Trees, Using concept of connected component as pointed out by @brobear1995
But I haven’t thought of a DP solution…I always miss out on DP… :frowning:


Same thing I do but still getting TLE
I sorted them using quick sort and then
go through min coordinate to max coordinate and note down every starting point after breaking point say if coordinates are 0 8 5 3 12 and distance is 3 than i stored 0 12 in new array
than i take input from user and get coordinate of there position and look for whether they belong to same interval or not if yes than answer is yes else no.
Link to solution
Please tell me what wrong in my code

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Sir, i have used this code and getting correct answer for all the test cases which i have tried…i am still getting WA…please help where is the error in the code??

I solved it using segment tree .

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Methodology Used:

  1. Keep the input array

  2. Create a duplicate array of it.

  3. Sort the duplicate array.

  4. Use the input index to get the element from original array, use Binary search ti find the index of that element in the duplicate sorted array.

  5. Iterate through the starting index to the last index and check for <=K while iterating (a[i+1]-a[i]<=K).

  6. If reaches to the end, output Yes else No.

  7. Giving WA.

    #define ll long long
    #define fore(i,x) for(int i=0;i<x;i++)
    using namespace std;
    #define MAXSIZE 100001
    int binary_srch_ret_index(ll inp[MAXSIZE],ll e,int low,int high)
    if(low>high) return -1;
    int mid=(low+high)/2;
    if(e==inp[mid])return mid;
    if(e<inp[mid])return binary_srch_ret_index(inp,e,low,mid-1);
    else return binary_srch_ret_index(inp,e,mid+1,high);
    int searchNo()

    int main()
    // freopen(“input.txt”,“r”,stdin);
    ll N,K,P,A,B;
    ll inp[MAXSIZE];
    ll dupinp[MAXSIZE];
    bool flag=true;

         int locA=binary_srch_ret_index(dupinp,inp[A-1],0,N-1);
         int locB=binary_srch_ret_index(dupinp,inp[B-1],0,N-1);
         //cout<<locA<<" "<<locB<<endl;
         for(int i=locA;i<locB;i++)

    return 0;


Sir, I have used my code for most of the test cases and getting the desired output…still I am getting WA…Kindly tell the respective cases for which my code was wrong…Thank you

Hello All,
I used the following method:

  1. Treat all positions of Frogs as node in a graph.

  2. create a undirected path for nodes whose distance is distance is less than K.

  3. Used Breadth first search to find if target node is reachable or not.

Getting WA.
Please anyone tell me what’s wrong in the logic, i’ll be really helpful. Thanks!!!

sir!! please tell me where my code goes wrong!!

a simple one —
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My code runs fine offline but does not run here

Why can’t we do it like this ?

    int frogs=sc.nextInt();
	int distance=sc.nextInt();
	int pairs=sc.nextInt();
    int[] a=new int[frogs];
	for(int i=0;i<frogs;i++){a[i]=sc.nextInt();}
		int n1=sc.nextInt(); int n2=sc.nextInt();
		int p1=a[n1-1]; int p2=a[n2-1]; int m=0;
		for(int j=0;j<frogs-1;j++)
		  if(a[j+1]-a[j]<=distance){ m=a[j+1]; if(m==p2) 

I tried running it on my machine and it runs just fine for any input. gives errors when input is wrong and gives right answers as far as i’ve seen. can some1 point out the mistake in this please or the test cases for which my method fails. it took me about 6 hours to do this , since am new to java . Can some1 help me please… Thanks

Solution -->> CodeChef: Practical coding for everyone

I copied the original array A into another array B and sorted it in increasing order, while maintaining the index.Then I copied the elements which fail the condition mentioned.


Then I used lower_bound to check the position of both the elements (A[x-1],A[y-1]) in the vector vec.

If abs(posx-posy)>=1, the answer will be no else it will be yes.
It worked.


i solved it just like dp .but didnt realize it was a dp solution .first dp :stuck_out_tongue:

Please tell me why am I getting SIGSEGV so many times.

I used a 2D vector info with representation as info[i][0]:x-coordinate info[i][1]:index of the frog info[i][2]:con variable i.e. if two frogs have same con then they are connected and can talk.Then I sorted this vector by the x-coordinate(ascending) and then I clustered them according to the condition that two adjacent frogs are in different cluster if their distance is more than K,then I created an array with element at index i being con of ith frog and then checked the input and if they have same con,“yes” else “no”.I am continuously getting SIGSEGV even as the given test case and few other give right answer.I have tried declaring the vector as global variable but that doesn’t help.Please tell me why am I getting SIGSEGV. I would be really thankful.Here’s the link : CodeChef: Practical coding for everyone

Can anybody tell me why my code is giving WA ? Is my approach correct or not?
Code: 5YUtQY - Online C Compiler & Debugging Tool -

plz help me out . whats d problem in this solution ?

Hi all,

My solution is O(N*P) and will most likely get a TLE. But right now I am not able to figure out why it is giving a WA. The approach that I follow is :

  1. I Sort the array, keeping track of the indices.
  2. For query indices i1 and i2, I look for their appropriate positions in the sorted array.
  3. Starting from x-position of frog at index i1 I move till I reach the x-position of frog at index i2, for each adjacent pair of frogs between frogs at index i1 and i2 I check if pos[i+1]-pos[i]<=k.
  4. If I am able to reach the position of the frog at index i2 , I report Yes otherwise No.

Here’s my code : CodeChef: Practical coding for everyone. Any testcase where this will give a WA would be greatly appreciated. Thanks !