TAEDITOR - Editorial

I used rope. (For more information Implicit cartesian tree in GNU C++ STL. - Codeforces)

// #includes ...
#include <ext/rope>
using namespace __gnu_cxx; 
using namespace std;
crope S;
char x[MAX_N];

// inserting x into i
void insert(int i){
  S.insert(S.mutable_begin() + i, x);

void query(int i, int len){
  for(int j = 0; j < len; j++){
    putchar(S[i + j - 1]);

Using the built-in functions for string, str.insert for inserting and str.substr for printing the substring gave me 100 points!

Here is the AC solution.

Weak Test Cases…?? If not then i am more interested in knowing their built-in implementations!!


This problem is the same as problem B from ACPC regional contest 2012

Link for the problem


Can anyone tell me why brute force solutions are getting accepted?

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I think this problem can also be solved with Treap(Balanced BST).

I am getting SIGSEGV for all test cases…I am using linked list can anyone help me?


I am getting SIGABRT for all test cases, here is my solution :
CodeChef: Practical coding for everyone can anyone help me?

I Didn’t Understand The Editorial , Can Someone Please Explain it to me ??

i did same in cpp :stuck_out_tongue: :smiley:


Problem is while printing the substring .
The second parameter is length not index … I did the same mistake …

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Mistake is in second type of query …


Instead it should be

for( int f = i ; f < i + l; f++)
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Oh No :frowning: :frowning: :(…
Ruined the contest!!
Thanks Now.

that’s something new, but in the codeforces blog it uses rope , but you used crope. what’s the difference?

can someone tell me why my solution gives wa my submission id is CodeChef: Practical coding for everyone

I read the manual and found out that crope is just a wrapper for rope or similar.

It can: CodeChef: Practical coding for everyone

Learned something new. Appreciate the fact that you called out your unique implementation in the comments, would have remained unware of Rope other wise :slight_smile:

Lone Coder

I think you are lucky … :slight_smile:

My solution with same approach is not getting 100 and even I used same approach during contest, I got 50 only.

My Solution CodeChef: Practical coding for everyone

@gdisastery1 What i found is “rope” is taking more time(approx double) than simple std::string insert/substr based implementation. why??

String based @ CodeChef: Practical coding for everyone ,
rope based @ CodeChef: Practical coding for everyone

Use this to generate a test case: X1kXHB - Online Python Interpreter & Debugging Tool - Ideone.com with Python 2.7

On my computer, the std::string version is taking about ~2.5 seconds and the rope version only ~0.3 seconds.

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