Data Structures and Algorithms

You may like to add BIT FIELDS (although it is common but still you can save a lot of memory…
Go here and here

I would like to add some links for learning STL’s

Dear Brother please Guide me abuut Data_structure ACM problem…
give me link about easy ACM prblem…
i m bigner…

Really great…:slight_smile: Thank you…:slight_smile:
Can these algorithms be linked with problems hashtag on codechef…that would be of much great help…
just a suggestion…

love u who has done it…

Segment trees - Tutorial - These IIT-K slides are pretty good too.

nice collections of ds and algorithms (y) Thanks to you :slight_smile:

nice collections of ds and algorithms tutorials(y) Thanks to you :slight_smile:

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Pl add MO’s algorithm

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I am selected for INOI 2015 and it was a good news which was followed by a bad news that we have to appear INOI using coding languages and i had no idea about them. I need real help in learning cplus plus

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BIT tutorial: Binary Indexed Tree or Fenwick Tree - GeeksforGeeks

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For KMP algorithm , u can also see this post

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you can try the link below for nCr % m problem

Thank you very much for this wonderful post… helped a lot

Thanks very much for the list.

Would be even more helpful if links to simple problems implementing compulsorily the above algorithms and ds were listed.

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Its really a great effort…thanks you very much

best algorithm link I had so far. Awesome!!

Thank you for this will really help a lot.

Hi friends,

                 I too have a suggestions but i just posses tutorials they are Advanced C++ cources covering STL and Mycodeschool however mycodeschool have many practise Problems too for doing.

Thanks hope you may find it useful