About the output of DIVIDEN

Hi, I’m not sure I understood the problem. Is this output valid for the sample test case? (not saying too much to not explain my approach).

Line -679.607327541 -315.636265658 -844.065556801 -298.016984216
Line -679.607327541 -315.636265658 -841.136421978 -292.603907935
Circle -679.607327541 -315.636265658 -679.607327541 -315.636265658 -844.065556801 -298.016984216
Circle -844.065556801 -298.016984216 -844.065556801 -298.016984216 -843.350469236 -292.288207977
Circle -843.350469236 -292.288207977 -844.065556801 -298.016984216 -843.350469236 -292.288207977
Line -679.607327541 -315.636265658 -848.669278775 -294.533312100
-848.669278775 -294.533312100

Also, is it mandatory to construct the rays that divide the angle using “Line” commands? I thought not, but I’m not sure…