Number of answers not correct on discuss

Is codechef’s system down, or something like that because I answered a question , but on codechef’s Discuss Forum , the number of answer’s is showing wrong.

Here’s a snapshot

alt text

but in discuss page

alt text

I made sure to reload and try again, but it’s the same. I tried closing my browser, and trying again, but still the same.

On the discuss page, it shows that I was the one who made changes ( see the green circle ), but it does not show that it is answered


It seems as though the problem was solved when another answer was posted for it.

But still, I would like to bring this frequently occurring bug to the notice of Team Codechef.

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LOL… this happens many times…

And i face same conditions form 3-4 months…

Even sometimes i happens that for some of posts it shows, answered or asked 23 hours ago, whereas it answered or asked in last few minutes…

Dont know why this happens… :stuck_out_tongue:

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I would like to point out that the bug got fixed when another answer was posted for that question. Thanks for your support.

@rishabhprsd7 , thanks for a reply. I even contacted codechef and sent a mail to telling about this…

Guess I took action too fast.

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The number of answers gets updated only when the person asking the question accepts your answer. Otherwise, codechef shows that the question has not yet been answered and lets people know that they can still the help the person who asked the question.

No @arnavvarshney, that’s not the reason. The number of answer isn’t updated like that.