CHEFAOR - Editorial

Show us some solution please!

Why would you ever swap the order of [Author,Tester] => [Tester,Author]?

Can someone tell me why my O(NKlog(A)) solution gives TLE?


Can someone tell what is the complexity of my code , I feel it is the same as required and gives TLE.

Nice joke about “easily finish under 10 seconds”.

Here’s author’s code from editorial, submitted in practice: link

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can someone tell me if the Tester2 is based on knuth optimization?

Try to solve it using a Divide and Conquer approach, this is another kind of dynamic programming optimization that runs in O(KNlogN), and here’s my solution that runs in 6.90 s

PD: You can read about it here

I coded the solution after going through editorial(but it is top-down approach).I could pass first sub-task only.Can someone figure out what optimization i have to do to my code to pass other sub-tasks.I think I have taken care of trick mention in editorial.Plz help !!

added tester’s and author’s solutions

same here.

Got it , precedence can make you cry! :smiley: . Morover use memset over simple loop to fasten up your code!!

Bad constant?

Hm… that’s sad actually if you get the correct, but can not implement it properly. Where could I improve?

Try to submit NKlog(A) code from editorial, you’ll be surprised :slight_smile:

What exactly is the problem with the NKlogA solution from the editorial?

On the testing server, all test files were passing under 8 seconds. Author’s solution was only for first 2 subtasks. it was wrongly uploaded here. the correct solutions are up now. Try submitting tester2’s solution.

Tried tester1, it works 8.3 on maxtest. Far from TL*0.5 :slight_smile: I agree that getting TL because of bad implementation why AC is possible is a contestant’s fault, but that’s definitely not “easily finish” :slight_smile: Looking at other comments in this topic - I am not the only one who thinks this way.

And what was the point about “try tester2’s”? It is complitely different solution, based on Knuth optimization; it has nothing to do with NKlogA.

Hello, sorry for reviving this old thread. I was trying this question using divide and conquer optimization but it fails one test case in the largest and I am confused on how to try to further optimize it… My code is pretty straight forward and clean, please have a look at it. Is there something I can try to optimize my code. Or should I go with Knuth optimization as mentioned?

Link to code

Thank you

I used dnc only and it passed

Can anyone help in debugging the code? TLE !!

Here I find another solution with a similar code but pass-