CHEFDTRE - Editorial

Below is the code I tried Giving runtime error But other code which is almost similar works :

import java.util.*;

class Sets {
public static void main(String args[])throws Exception
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
String s = (br.readLine());
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(s," ");
int numberOfSets = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken());
int numberOfCases = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken());
ArrayList[] sets = new ArrayList[100000];
for(int i=0;i<=numberOfSets;i++)
sets[i]=new ArrayList();

	int newCombine = numberOfSets;
	for(int j=0;j<=numberOfCases;j++)
		String cases = br.readLine();
		StringTokenizer casest = new StringTokenizer(cases," ");
		String condition = casest.nextToken();
		int int1 = Integer.parseInt(casest.nextToken());
		int int2 = Integer.parseInt(casest.nextToken());
			int set1 = int1;
			int set2 = int2;
			sets[newCombine] = new ArrayList<Integer>();
		else if(condition.equals("GET"))
			int set1 = int1;
			int minNum = int2;
			int Display = sets[set1-1].get(minNum-1);
			//System.out.println("Something wrong");


Please point out what I am doing wrong.

Great problem! Congratulations!

This can be easily solved with segment trees too , we just need to use a pointer segtree. zhnLKC - Online C++0x Compiler & Debugging Tool -


Why not a direct link to Author + Tester’s solutions, rather than via Ideone?

Why can’t we use merge operation as we do in merge sort for the union of two sets (O(n) ? I tried to use it, but it is giving TLE in subtask2. Even author also gave the same solution.

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Author’s Solution gives TLE.

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@rajat1603, can u explain how is your code working , what are you storing in each node of segment tree ?

why author has added priority tag in his solution is there any use of tht… i think we can solve it without tht also … also right rotation and left rotation doesn’t seems to have any usefull…
please answer …

Any good tutorials for treap ?

that was the intended solution

STOP posting code!

Awesome solution. Thanks for sharing!

some problem with the server

it is supposed to. sorry i uploaded the wrong program

You’ve answered your own question!

Ideone is great!

Can you explain how merge() works efficiently here?

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The merge is kind of brute force merge, let me explain it line by line.
node* merge(node* other)->this takes in the node to which we need to merge the current segtree and returns a pointer to the current segtree.
cnt+=other->cnt-since both nodes correspond to the same segment (l to r) we can just add the count of the other node to this.
if(other->left!=NULL)->if the left subtree exists in the other segtree , add that
if(left==NULL)left=other->left-instead of merging with brute,if current node doesnt have a left node we can just copy that node
left=left->merge(other->left) merge recursively.

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In the given solution above, union of two sets in case of treaps takes O(M.log(N/M)), whereas the merge operation would take O(M+N) which would be less compared to the one given.

M is always smaller than N. It will be O(N log^2 N) in the end.