COPS - Editorial

My code isnt working despite correct logic. Pls help.

where to ask questions?

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I just made a boolean array with 100 elements. For each cop position I checked ±20 positions and then counted how many false positions there were. I’m pretty sure it’s a better solution since you don’t have to check every house.

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somebody please help!! i dont get what wrong in my code(python). please…

Well,the question and explanation in the example do not correlate .The question says in a straight line,a cop in a house can go left or right but not both whereas the explanation uses the range on either sides makig it a Simpler problem


guyz here is a very easy solution in c++,go through it


using namespace std;
struct dis
int max,min;

int main() {
int t,m,x,y,p;
for(int i=0;i<t;i++)
int a[m];
int safe=0,h=0;

for(int j=0;j<m;j++)
dis b[m];
int s,d;
for(int j=0;j<m;j++)
    s=a[j]-p;// min
    d=a[j]+p; //max


for(int j=0;j<m-1;j++)


return 0;



Better one I guess,never tried though

  1. Hash the cop houses,better than Sorting(simply compensating the 400 bytes(sizeof(int)*100) for computing speed).
  2. Consider the fact that Total Distance traveled by any cop is Distance=Number_Of_Houses_per_minute times Total_Time.
  3. For any cop house consider that range inclusive [cop_house-Distance,cop_house+Distance] to be cop houses.
  4. If there are any more left houses that is not included in the range,those are the best houses for the thief to hide.


  • For 100th cop house exclude right boundary.
  • Step 4 can we achieved by some math directly for houses that aren’t in the range.

Please Correct Me If I’m Wrong,Happy To Learn :slight_smile:

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Is the time complexity correct?

Under faster solution its written - “Let us can create a sorted array of houses of cops.” Wouldn’t creating a sorted array contribute O(nlogn) to the total time? How is it just O(100*logn)

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@keertika32 I think you made an error in the inner for loop that is iterating from j=0 to j=4. Can you explain why you did that?

I have used prefix sum or something is better than that?

I have used prefix sum or something is better than that?

There is a relatively obvious answer which for speed doesn’t depend on the number of houses at all and doesn’t involve populating an array with likely-redundant entries. Sort the cop houses - O(N\log N) - then step through these - O(N) - to find the safe ranges.

lim = 100
for _ in range(int(input())):
    # input
    m,x,y = map(int, input().split())
    cops = sorted( map(int, input().split()) ) # read and sort
    # process
    rng = x*y        # the range of each cop
    hse = 1          # the next available house safe from the cops reviewed so far
    safe = 0         # count of safe houses
    for cop in cops:
        if cop-rng > hse:
            # there is a gap in cop coverage
            safe += cop-rng-hse 
        hse = cop+rng+1 # current cop cannot reach this
    if hse<=lim:
        # some safe houses at the end too
        safe += lim-hse+1
    # report

what is wrong with this??

Well, You may have a look at my code

variable m denotes the product, left holds the house number till we have checked and covered, and 100+m+1 is added to check for houses in the end, like 100, 99 …

Rest code is self-explanatory (java)

(Solved this for you)

Please UPVOTE…

Feel free to ask anything

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If problem related then here , Else than on discuss

My code isnt working despite correct logic. Pls help.

please check my solution PLEASE FOR GOD SAKE

I don’t know why i am getting wa. I seriously think my program solves for ever case. please tell me where i am wrong

Accepted Solution

disabling the line:
gave AC.

Using std::ios_base::sync_with_stdio(0);
This disables the synchronization between the C and C++ standard streams. By default, all standard streams are synchronized, which in practice allows you to mix C- and C+±style I/O and get sensible and expected results. If you disable the synchronization, then C++ streams are allowed to have their own independent buffers, which makes mixing C- and C+±style I/O an adventure.
Read it here.

Hope it helps!


Aree waaah…Aap yahaan ??! :slight_smile: :slight_smile: