DISTNUM2 - Editorial

@grebnesieh Yes, can you expain it like how @himanshujaju explained his approach? Thanks!

I didn’t understand the line “Find the lowest value V such that the number of distinct elements of A[l…r] that are ≤V is at least k”. I think the line should be “Find the lowest value V in the range A[l…r] such that the number of distinct elements of A[l…r] that are <=V is exactly k”

Hi, can someone explain me the offline approach required to answer subtask 3.
I know Mo’s algorithm, so I can sort queries in each sqrt(N) bucket and process them in order. But how exactly can I mantain a structure to add/remove elements to the set , and give me the K-th element in the set, each in no more than O(logN)

Can someone help me out ?

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About the offline approach to solve subtask 3:

First use coordinate compression on the array elements so that all array elements are to mapped to numbers 1 to N. Then create an array of previous and next occurance for all indices in the array. Then use MO’s algorithm. For this create a segtree with N leaf nodes (i.e. 2*N-1 total nodes ) and a node representing range (i,j) will contain count of the number of array elements in range (i,j) present for current position of mo-left and mo-right. Now suppose we want to increase mo-right then we see that whether the previous occurance of the array element at mo-right+1 is less than mo-left. If yes then add 1 to all the ranges in segtree including this array element. This takes O(log n) time. Once mo-left = l and mo-right = r ( l and r represent query ) then query on the segtree takes O(log n) time.

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@grey_code Thanks! I undetstood the part where you find previous and next occurence of the number,

But I am having some trouble understanding what your seg tree is doing.
So if I understood this right, you can get number of distinct elements in range [i,j] for current mo-left and current mo-right.
How does that help you find the K-th element in the range [i,j].

Thanks again!


You understood it right that for certain mo-left and mo-right I have a segtree each of whose node stores number of distinct elements in its corresponding range [i,j]. Clearly finding kth largest element means kth largest element in range [1,N] (Remember all array elements are mapped to numbers 1 to N). This is a basic query. Now if I query giving k to the root node it will check if its left child has more than k elements. If yes it will go to the left child and repeat the procedure. If left child has less than k elements it will go the right child with parameter k-(count of left child) and then repeat the procedure. This process will continue until the leaf node is reached, hence taking O(height) = O(log n) time.

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@grey_code Thanks a lot, that was great explanation, I understood if correctly once I read this followed by seeing your code for it.

Though I believe that the prev and next can be eliminated by using a frequency map for current range i.e. mo-left to mo right.

@grebnesieh Thanks a lot for sharing your solution. Understood a whole new way to use dynamic pointers. I solved it after reading the editorial in N* log^ 3( N) and still got AC:) but I still couldn’t get how to reduce memory consumption to log( N) using persistent segment tree. Your approach taught me both the log( N) memory as well as N* log^ 2( N) approach. Keep sharing…:D.

Here’s my solution( N* log^ 3( N) ): CodeChef: Practical coding for everyone

I’d love to get any reviews on my solution to improve the approach or any explanation on how did it pass the time limit.

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There is another approach using bitset (you have to code your own bitset though) and sqrt decomposition, which is pretty easy to code!


Can you explain it more?

Added explanation.

I am familiar with MO’s algorithm. You can use c++ map to store both the presence and the count of an integer. So everytime you increase or decrease the range, you either decrease or increase the count, and when the count is 0, you basically remove it. The number of distinct integers is basically the size of the map. The problem is to get the kth integer in the map, unforunately, c++ map doesn’t support random access. One solution is to use an auxillary vector that works together with the map to allow random access. let me know if you want me to explain in more detail.

@mightymercado Yes please, can you explain or give me a link that explains the how to use a auxillary vector that works together with the map to allow random access.

Thanks a lot!

@mightymercado, map with logn insertion and logn order statistics doesn’t work unfortunately. You could use policy based data structure for this as in: CodeChef: Practical coding for everyone However this tle’s for 3 of the tasks. I am wondering whether my mo algorithm is correctly set up or something wrong with it
However seeing others solution for 60 points, storing a binary indexed tree works :confused:

Hmm sorry. I was wrong about auxillary array. I think you need to use an order tree Order statistic tree - Wikipedia

Wow, you got AC with O(N*N/64) :o

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The editorial also includes an approach using persistent segment trees. (“functional data structures”)


Using “at least” in this case is equivalent, but has the added benefit that if the statement is true for V, then the statement is true for V’ > V.

Okay, thank you.

How do I go from where I currently am(4-6 questions in Long Challenges) to solving questions like these?