CHEFLKJ - Editorial

Even Solution using maps (Complexity O(log^3n) per dominant query) pass within time limit. Here is



I have also passed with (somehow) “not good” complexity.

Worst case [H - means complexity of hash-map]:

Update query: O(H^2log(10^9))

Get query: O(sqrt(N)*H+sqrt(N)*Hlog(10^9)*log(N))

[1] (well just to see, it is barely readable :/ )

Thought: I had (for each distinct numbers) a Fenwick-Tree [BIT Tree] in which I held positions. I also held a "priority queue" in which I stored numbers sorted by total frequency.

Get query was then to choose between two:

A) If the range was lesser than sqrt(N), I brute-forced it.

B) If the range was higher than sqrt(N), I looked upon all distinct numbers which had frequency greater than "RANGE/2" and checked (by Fenwick) how many are there on my range. (PS: there could be at most sqrt(N) of these numbers)

Anyway I'm wondering how it managed to pass TLE :)

Have nice day ^_^


I feel the explanation for dominant sub-arrays in the editorial is insufficient since it deals with only sub-arrays of size N/2. This is not always the case - especially in case of queries where the query range can span multiple segments(sub-arrays). I think this would be better way to put it,

Over a range(i,j) of length N, let there be k sub-arrays {1,2,3…,k} each of length {n1,n2,…nk} respectively. If a majority element ‘e’ exists in range(i,j) then one of the k sub-arrays must have e as the majority element.
Proof is by contradiction (along the same lines as in the editorial),

n1 + n2 + … + nk = N

Assume e exists which means freq(e) in (i,j) > N/2

Now lets say none of the k sub-arrays have e as the majority element. Then,

freq(e) in sub-array {1] <= n1/2

freq(e) in sub-array {2} <= n2/2

freq(e) in sub-array{k} <= nk/2

Therefore, freq(e) in (i,j) <= n1/2 + n2/2 + … + nk/2 <= N/2 which contradicts our assumption that e is a majority element.
So at least one of the k sub-arrays must have e as the majority element.


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Could anyone tell me where I could be going wrong in this solution?
It is very similar to the editorial and though the running time is O(Q * (log N)^3), I am getting a WA verdict and not TLE. So could anyone tell me if there’s something wrong with the logic?

Can someone please explain the meaning of the phrase ‘elegant lazy propagation’ in the line ‘Clearly, There isn’t a notion of an elegant lazy propagation here since the updates we perform are to single elements’

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I have doubt in complexity for each query.Anyone please explain how complexity is O(logn^3) by map?

getting WA for this link text code. Any help?

How can a segment be dominating if either of subarrays are dominating?? Consider a case [1,2,3,4][2,2,2,5],here 2nd subarray is dominating but when we merge them , the resulting array is not dominating!!

Editorialist’s solution is too helpful!

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No, it was not supposed to pass.

Seems, like, you can use Square Root Decomposition on each and every question :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:


Won’t there be total 500 such elements with frequency > 1000?

Initially we have 10^5 elements. Even if you consider the 10^5 query operations as “append” operation instead of replace, at the end you would have 2 * 10^5 elements => at most 200 with >= 1000 frequency

@anudeep2011, yes, you are right.

@vsp4, I think your solution gives tle because of the ordered statistic set used in your solution. Though, the complexity of ordered statistic set is as desired, but constants are too large. It happened with me too when orderedd statistic set gave tle, but bit with binary search passed easily.

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@vsp4 Can you tell me what is the idea of your solution?

@rishivikram Find the middle element of the sorted segment [l, r]. If there is a dominator this middle element has to be that dominator. Finding kth element could be done in (logn)^3 time in subarray with updates. Then count how many times this element appears in the array [l,r] This could be done in (logn)^2

@vsp4 Kth element in sorted segment can be found in O((logN)^2) by merge sort tree. I don’t know how to handle updates though, how do you find it in O((logN)^3) when updates are there as well?

This was my solution too.

Can anybody tell me how to define structure of segment treee such that i have an array of occurences of variable length in c.
Also plz tell me how to define map in c.