Prerequisites : Segment Trees
Target Problem : Given an array of N elements and you have to answer Q queries of the form L R K , To Count the numbers smaller than K in range L to R.
Key Idea : The key idea is to build a Segment Tree with a vector at every node and the vector contains all the elements of the subrange in a sorted order . And if you observe this segment tree structure this is some what similar to the tree formed during the merge sort algorithm ( Yes , thats why they are called Merge Sort Trees ) .
Building the tree :
int A[N];
Void build_tree( int cur , int l , int r )
if( l==r )
tree[cur].push_back( a[ l ] );
return ;
int mid = l+(r-l)/2;
build_tree(2*cur+1 , l , mid ); // Build left tree
build_tree(2*cur+2 , mid+1 , r ); // Build right tree
tree[cur] = merge( tree[2*cur+1] , tree[2*cur+2] ); //Merging the two sorted arrays
Querying the tree :
int query( int cur, int l, int r, int x, int y, int k)
if( r < x || l > y )
return 0; //out of range
if( x<=l && r<=y )
//Binary search over the current sorted vector to find elements smaller than K
Return lower_bound(tree[cur].begin(),tree[cur].end(),K)-tree[cur].begin();
int mid=l+(r-l)/2;
return query(2*cur+1,l,mid,x,y,k)+query(2*cur+2,mid+1,r,x,y,k);
Build function Analysis : Build a merge sort tree takes O(NlogN) time which is same as Merge Sort Algorithm . It will take O(NlogN) memory because each number Ai will be present in at most LogN vectors (Height of the tree ) .
Query function Analysis : A range L to R can divided into at most Log(N) parts, where we will perform binary search on each part . So this gives us complexity of O(LogN * LogN) per query .
Handling Point Updates : The only reason that we cant handle updates on MST in this code is because its merge function takes too much time, so even if theres a point update it will lead to O(N). So the major issue is of vectors and rearranging them on updations, but why do we need vectors ? Just to find the elements smaller than K in that complete vector, right ? Lets forget about vectors and keep policy based data structure at each node which handles three queries (insertion , deletion and elements smaller than K in the set) in O(LogN) time . So now no need to rearrange vectors and we can use insertion - deletion to handle point queries . This is just an idea , we can discuss this in comments again if anyone has a doubt .
Bonus :
How to use this to solve the query of type Kth smallest number in range L to R ? So we can binary search over the solution and find the value which has exactly K numbers smaller than it in the given range . Complexity : O(LogN * LogN * LogAi ) per query .
Why to use MST: Apart from the code simplicity, they answer queries online . We could have used some offline algorithms like MOs or even Segment tree but come on, Online Querying is great because it can be used in Dp Optimisations and stuff like that . Peace Out .