Possible Int/Long Conflict? (ADDNATRL)


I used the Gauss summation method for ADDNATRL (Add Natural Numbers). I think the math itself is fine. To my understanding, long was discontinued in Python 3, so I have used type int in my solution. Test cases work as expected, including the maximum N = 10^9, but when I submitted my solution, it was marked as incorrect. I am not sure what I am doing wrong. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


N = int(input())

very interesting question!

Sample failing test case

Try to plug in N = 134217729.
If you do:
(134217729 * 134217730) / 2 in a Calculator you get:


but your code returns:


How to fix?

The correct answer is:

N = int(input())
print(N * (N+1)//2)


If you do 6/3, python converts the result to float, which is an approximation for a real number: here 3.0. Since it is an approximation, there can be slight errors if your numbers get large, which is why you get your error.

Instead use 6//3 which is integer division: Then your numbers don’t get converted and your answer will be correct.