But no, everyone wants to go only for top tier institutions. This is very heart breaking.
Selection was not done by looking at college. All selected teams worked hard. Let me reword your issue to a more honest representation-
“But no, everyone wants top coders who worked hard the entire year and no one wants us who solved 1 cakewalk problem. This is heart breaking.”
With due respect, you got 3 regionals selecting top from each college, leave Amritapuri out of it please. If you arent even selected in those, then I see no reason for you to crib about. Merit based selection is never unfair.
Just making this clear, what you call “some not so popular colleges which if given a little push and encouragement could probably excel” would have been at cost of some eligible team in top 400 which, according to ranklist, deserved more than you to be there. Look at both sides of argument, and last, if you are calling merit based selection unfair then think what you are going to do in future phases of life where people only want merit and talent.
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If you have already selected teams solving two 2 questions and that too in good quantity from an institution then selecting those who have solved 1 question only from the same place, is quite contradicting to “Selection of teams is according to the rank and those who have solved most number of problems are given priority.” I know they have solved that 1st question quickly and that’s why their rank is higher but from their college itself many teams have already solved more than 1 that means they aren’t the best crowd from their college so why not give chance to different institutions instead?
It is a good thing that good teams have qualified. Don’t crib regarding this matter. Better work hard so that next time, you can do well.
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I get your point, but again you can in now way claim it breaks their rule of “Selection is according to rank.”. Cap set is 25 and hence is followed as well. We cannot demerit selection by talent/rank/merit in anyway.
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Accept the fact that 16 teams from IITB, 16 from IITM, 13 from IITR - All performed better than you.
College should not matter at all. It’s performance that should matter.
Do you like someone getting selected but you are not selected although you performed better than them ?
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The “excuse” is that it was last years criteria not this year.
Update yourself to latest news 
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They take top 1 per college. Read their criteria at their official website.
“It’s not their fault that they got admitted in IITs.” The weirdest thing I have ever read XD
If you can't even top in your own college how come you are being deserved?
If you cant even come in top 400 ranks how come you are being deserved?
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Anyway, sticking to side of being rational in debate, what is your criteria of being “deserving”? Just topping the college seems enough? Even if you are literally the only team at the college? Whats your issue if multiple good coders from same institute get a chance to compete at onsite, especially when you cant even make it to top 400?
Whats your issue if multiple good coders from same institute get a chance to compete at onsite, especially when you cant even make it to top 400?----- exactly I don’t have any issue but when the contest was over these people were like “speed test” “typing test” right? After being selected What happened to the speed test thing? So they agree they just passed the speed test to get selected?
Anyways congrats to people who got selected, all the best for regionals,do well :-)