ADTRI - Editorial

I have done the same thing as mentioned above but somehow it is still getting only 40 points .I even used pollard’s rho for int greater than 10^6 and sieve otherwise and i am ruling out primes directly with a binary search .
Where is my code taking time CodeChef: Practical coding for everyone any kind of help is thankful.

This problem can also be solved using this:



I’m suprised that the editorialist hasn’t given any proof to the solution. Here is what is missing in all the links provided here.

We know that if p = 4k+1 is prime, than there exist positive integers a, b, such that p = a^2 + b^2. All we have to understand now that p^2 then is the sum of two positive integers, after that we can multiply both of them by n/p and obtain the representation of n.

So, if p = a^2 + b^2, and a > b (they are obvious not equal), take a’ = 2ab, b’ = a^2 - b^2. Than a’^2 + b’^2 = (2ab)^2 + (a^2 - b^2)^2 = a^4 + b^4 + 2 a^2 b^2 = (a^2 + b^2)^2 = p^2. So the assertion is proved.

The other side of the assertion is the consequence of the theorem about the representation of numbers as a sum of two integer squares: we can divide n by prime factors of the type 4k+3 until it contains them, both a and b are divided by these primes too during this process. After that we also eliminate all powers of 2 from n, since 4 divides a^2+b^2 implies that both a and b are divisible by 2. So, in the end we obtain either 1 or the number with prime divisors of the type 4k+1. In the first case there is no representation in sum of two positive squares.

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this is irritating i have done the same thing i m getting 40 points but when i exceede my array to 5*10^6 i get SIGSEGV error anyone plz check my code CodeChef: Practical coding for everyone

Fof all those guys who are getting SIGSEGV declare the array globally of size 5000001 it is because you can declare the array of size not greater than 10^6 in a fuction so declaring it in main function gives u SIGSEGV so you need to declare it globally…!!!

Thank you for the link. But I know this already. Based on this I derived my formula. But for above question, for given side, say n, we need to check if n^2 is of the form a^2+b^2. n^2 cannot be a prime. Where does this prime factor thing come from?

I got it. Thank you.

I tried to do that method,but got WA. Now I know why,I wasn’t marking multiples -- -- :stuck_out_tongue:

haha your 100 points dont count now :stuck_out_tongue: anyway upvote instead of thanking. thanks

why did you use an array of 10^7 order??

i have tried pypy also but still getting TLE although it reduces 1 &2 subtasks time any help?

Why do people use cin cout?!

0.13 time. _ Nice!

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@rahul_mishra01 I used 10^7 array just to avoid overflow as n is about 5*10^6.

This question was asked on the same day when the contest was started.

In editorial, should it be if N has a prime factor of a form (4k + 1) then N^2 can be split into 2 perfect squares?
because for eg: take N = 15, its prime factors are 3, 5 and 5 is of the form (4k+1) but 15 cannot be expressed as um of 2 perfect squares. Same goes for 273.