ALIENIN - Editorial

You needed a bit higher higher bound, here is your AC code :
the worst case input we can assume is

N = 2
C = 1, 1e9
D = 1e9

output should be 2e9, but you took higher bound as 1e9.

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same here : refer

thank bro

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thanks bro

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I am new to this application of binary search. Can someone please tell me why we take 100 iterations? Also what will happen if we take fewer or more iterations.

More iteration means more precision. So for 100 iteration you can do normal binary search on integers or array of size 2^{100}. But when you are doing binary search on real number then you are dividing range into parts. so you are basically dividing range of length 2*10^9(in this question) into 2^{100} segments of length (\frac{2*10^9}{2^{100}}) and applying binary search on them so more the iteration smaller will be the length of each segment hence more precise will be the answer.


infact in this question instead of 100, 60 iterations will give accuaracy upto 109

U can also do this -

while ((r-l)>=0.00000000001)
      ld mid = (l+r)/2;
          l = mid+1;
          r = mid-1;
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But, isn’t the time complexity of sorting the array O(nlogn)?

Right. It should be O(n * logn +n * 100)

why 100 ?

at most 100 iterations , so 100

thanks alot for the answer guys @psychik @ssrivastava990 @abhaypatil2000

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that 100 is log n factor :face_with_head_bandage:

I want to know why solving N equations won’t work.
Suppose Cool-Down time is ‘t’ and we want to maximise it.
Wouldn’t these N equations solve for max values of ‘t’.

Here Ci is sorted in Ascending order and first alien has been killed at time ‘S’ since canon was already cool. So,

S + t <= C2 + d;
S + 2t <= C3 + d;
… and so on

I’ve used hash map.
Can anyone explain me what is wrong with my approach,please?[CodeChef: Practical coding for everyone]

import java.util.*;
import java.math.*;

 class A {
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		A ob = new A();

	static Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
	static long n, d;
	static ArrayList<Long> al = new ArrayList<>();

	static boolean can(double cool_down) { // check if the passed cool_down is applicable to all the situations
		double time_stamp = 0;
		for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
			if (time_stamp < al.get(i))
				time_stamp = (cool_down + al.get(i));
			else if (time_stamp <= (al.get(i) + d))
				time_stamp += cool_down;
				return false;
		return true;

	void solve() {
		try {
			int t = sc.nextInt();
			for (int j = 0; j < t; j++) {
				n = sc.nextInt();
				d = sc.nextInt();

				for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)


				double low = 0, mid = 0, high = 1e10;
				while ((high - low) > 10e-6) { // apply binary search to all the possible values of cool_down
					mid = (low + high) / 2.0;
					if (can(mid))
						low = mid;
						high = mid;
				System.out.println(String.format("%.10f", low));
		} catch (Exception e) {


I tried submitting this code, it is passing just 2 of the 4 test cases, please help me out on where I am going wrong

Take high = 2e10 , “Help in Alien Invasion [Lunchtime Aug 2020 , Solved ,(Binary Search)]

Tried doing that, still didn’t work. Please help.

I think ,equations should be, ci <= s+(i-1)*t <= ci + d;